Sunday, August 14, 2022

Thomas Kinkades Cottage Under HOA Nazi Rules

 You know what I have found in this world, are the ones that think they are above the law.  They have these positions given to them, that seem to go to their heads.  For example, I know how hard my job was.  I saw someone biting at the bit to have my position.  When she did after I was gone I heard from others what she said.  "This is hard!"  No shit Sherlock!  What were you thinking?  Just because, I made it look easy.  I don't know some people.  You have to be well organized with time.  Obviously she isn't!  I'm feeling that she is still stumbling through, if she is still even there.  They like the flunkies, because then they can pay them less.  However in our corrupt government they become wealthy!  I consider this administration to be flunkies.

My brother his wife and niece are going to be still looking for a place to live.  My niece has been here 6 years already going on 7!  School and work gives her no time.  The horrible thing is she is near Tampa and Orlando.  To me it's like ewwww!  Avoiding HOA's and owning land is the way to go!  Paying cash will get you what you want.

Now to go on about people in power.  As I put this puzzle together, this is how I see people in HOA's or any power position.  It was comical to me, to the point of being so true!  It's people that can't seem to mind their own business.  Medaling fools, thats what I call them.  Here is the cottage of Thomas Kinkade under an HOA...

What a waste of electricity!
They don't have solar!
The grass is green!  They must be watering more than once a week!
The grass looks long!
Is that a political garden flag?  They aren't suppose to do that, only at election time!
I heard the owner gave the house to their daughter to live in! 
Their guests stayed too long! 
Is that their camper?
Too many cars in the driveway!
That boat needs to be under cover!
Is that paint color allowed?
I can't see in their home, the plants are too high!
They must use a lot of fertilizer!
They must use weed killer!
That roof is not to code!
What are they putting in now?
Look at all those trellises!  Does she plan on using them all?
Is that flag poll up to code?

I'm sure there are many other butt hurt gripes or nosy things people do, that I haven't mentioned.  People are hilarious!  I will continue to poke fun at them.  That's what I do best when I feel a Gestapo, Nazi idiot is trying to tell me something!  It's not going to fly honey!  Just saying!

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