Friday, August 19, 2022


 Trolls are most likely the BLM, ANTIFA insurrectionists, commie, socialist, marxist, tyrannical loving loons!  I'm not going to leave out the pussy hat wearing skanks either.  You were all in lock step with the commies.  They all control you with fear and miss information.  You're all soulless, if you think a child in the womb has no rights!  You also think paying taxes is just fine with you.  Never mind they lied to you, and the money never went to what it was supposed to go to.  BTW they spent your social security money too.  I thought that the lotto money was going to go to the schools?  Stupid you!  Duped again!  Now that they have you gambling, you can now lose your money that much faster.

Oh and if you are listening to the Liz Cheney "democracy" bullshit.  She is just as ignorant as you are!  We are not a democracy!  Democracy is a mob rule.  We are a Constitutional Republic!  Didn't you learn anything in school?  You must have been sick that day, now you're showing your ignorance to the world!  

When I watch a podcast I don't always comment.  If I do it's for the person running the show.  Usually in agreement, I don't attack others unless they have to come after my comment that I make, agreeing with the host of the show.  I learned about what a time waster you are, so its futile to even acknowledge you.  You're rude and your brain is full of stupid.  You're the one that is a danger.  

Yes, I support my second constitutional right.  It's there because the forefathers knew, that someday the commies will take hold of our country.  It is my right to protect myself, family and friends.  Only a fool will think a tyrannical government would be there to save you!  Again, you're the insurrectionist, only you are too stupid to see you have been brainwashed.  It wasn't the Constitutional Conservatives that burned down cities.  

People are easily lead by the enemy.  It's rather sad how you all fell for it!  "Progressive"  ?  Bells and whistles should have gone off in your head about who wanted that.  Mind you they played you against others.  Racist! Funny how all in the BLM seem to be white.  Do you remember the KKK democrats?  They played you.  It's called indoctrination.  Now everyone can be slaves.  Lincoln was honest.  Liz Cheney is far from honest! 

Now they are weaponizing the IRS?  That's how tyrannical government starts to take, from the people that worked for the American dream.  You won't be exempt.  The law isn't to protect you anymore, this is tyranny at its best.  Don't say I didn't warn you.  They would like nothing more than to start a war, so they will dupe you further.   I say hold the line, give them all enough rope to hang themselves!  Nothing like using the media and silencing all of the conservative voices.  

They're all in a panic right now.  They know they will be finished soon.  Not a threat just logic, without firing a shot, the people will be awakened to the real insurrectionists!  We now have our own platforms and all they have, are talking heads, regurgitating over and over hoping for the stupid "troll people" will be, they're minions to do the dirty work.  Unfortunately those people are lost and will never recover mentally.  

That is correct Mark, it's the Constitutional chaos!  LINK

& chain of custody 

I really hope you wake up! 

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