Wednesday, July 06, 2022

The Idiots In Our Country

 You know, I am happy my brother is gone and isn't here to see the bullshit that is going on in our country!  He was in Nam!  FRONT LINE!  He also reenlisted after his first round!  All my uncles served in World War 2!  We ALWAYS CELEBRATED OUR COUNTRY on the 4th!  I'm betting they're all rolling in their graves, at the very candy asses out there today!

My memory of my brother uncles too, buying M-80s and TNT fireworks on the 4th, was the thing to do in our family!  Even when my brother came home!  He said people that don't like it need to get the hell out of this country!  I concur!

Now we have the 60's hippies and candy ass woke wack jobs crying...  Sick of them!  You know the ones that call themselves patriots, some now, after voting democrat!  Really?  The first ones to come out and tell you, that you don't care about Vets?  Or pets?   KISS MY ASS!  

They come out and pick at just about every f'n thing you do, that they feel is wrong!  UNBELIEVABLE!  You don't like it fine!  Don't TELL ME HOW I DON'T CARE ABOUT VETS OR PETS!  F-yourself!!

These people claim to be sensitive?  BWAHAHAHAHA.... sure!  I'm not putting up with your bullshit either!  I'm just letting y'all know that, if you aren't clear!  If you are hurt by this, then you're the guilty party!  You didn't give a shit about me, it's obvious!  Good to know how you feel!  Now it's MY TURN!

These idiots have the nerve after picking apart what you do, or not do, they add "I love you"?  That is a mechanism to guilt and control you at that point!  They don't mean it!  I for one have had it with these control freaks!  They really don't care about you one bit!  I hope others see these kind of people for what they are when faced with them!

This is my brother  channeling me again.  "Don't ever give into people that say anything you do is wrong, because you are enjoying fireworks on our Independence Day!  Especially around the 4th!"  My promise to him to not let people bully me ever!  

I will celebrate!  Y'all can plug your ears!  My brother passed away at 60.  I will never kowtow to anyone telling me not to celebrate, with fireworks or any other life enjoyment!  "BTW abortion is murder!" 

I will enjoy my life and my freedom with the pursuit of happiness!  That also means shooting a firearm for sport and for defense!  My dog is fine!  If your dog has issues, its because they smell your fear!  

We made sure that there was a safe distance from trees.  We had the hose ready and in fact watered down the gravel driveway afterwords!  We had a down pour in the late afternoon before evening.  

If you are a whiner about someone enjoying the 4th of July, go someplace else!  You didn't care when I got blocked or banned for my first amendment right!  You didn't care that my ballot went missing, or  when I stated people have been cheating at the polls for years!  You said nothing to the terrorist antifa/blm shit that blocked roads and burned down buildings!  You tried (failed and will again) to take my freedom to say NO to the poke!  I refused the mask and was shamed!  Now having a patriotic day bothers, you too now?  Pathetic spineless cry babies!!  GET THE HELL OUT OF MY COUNTRY!  I'm sick of you people!  Really!

A message from my dog...  

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