Saturday, October 29, 2022

Who Is The Violent Ones? ANTIFA/BLM!

Every single moronic media out there bullying the conservatives!  They need reminders!  Yes the voting was rigged!  Trump wasn't supposed to win that first time!  Thats why they all were so shocked!  They, miss calculated how many votes they needed.  They thought it was a joke and no one would vote for Trump.  Well true conservatives did vote for him!

Seriously, they're the dumb ones!  Now that we have other outlets to voice our opinions, they all are panicking!  The ones siting violence is not the conservatives.  I'll say it again!  They were caught in the biggest commie take over!  Now they are all losing and will continue to.  You can tell by their story lines.  You can easily tell who the guilty party are.  If you can't then you are the dumb one!

Does this look like violence to you?  LINK

Truth will always win!  I guess the left doesn't see this because they are blind!  This is what truth looks like!  It's only violent to the leftists vanity of rolling with tyrannical, commie, treason over our first and all the amendments of the Constitution!  I know who is the violent ones!  It's not the ones telling the truth!  The media helped to fan the flames of the commie left!  Media in sighted the violence and the commie left ran with it!  Thank you Gate Way Pundit for this!  But we are talking to the violent commie brain dead leftist!  Maybe, just maybe, one more will see!  God willing!

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