Thursday, October 27, 2022

It Even Smells Better On The Conservative Side


It's beautiful, and the smell is divine!

As I sit outside enjoying the perfumed air around me, I think that the commie cheaters on the left are so hateful.  They all lost, and they just don't know it yet.  I guess some do, and they're now all panicking. 

With Elon buying Twitter, and letting the hoards that blocked me at every turn, cry when they are let go.  Yes it gives me much joy!  That is one way to shut down the stooges of ANTIFA/BLM!  They made a lot of money there, for basically doing nothing!  Trying to keep us al in lock step and silenced.  Using the money against us!

Will FB be next, I wonder?  Not that I will ever go back to that social aspect, of stupid.  I realized people don't really care about average folk.  Maybe the weak minded are.  People that truly have a life, and are free from everyone else's noise.  Are the happy ones.  You see, you don't need to be on a platform to see what is going on.  I enjoy a few podcasts and usually know already what's going on because of the conservative outlet news sources.  I usually check all over to make sure it is legit.  Or is it just fluff.  If I'm doing something I listen to it.  Otherwise I fast forward and see it in half the time.  I never was or will I be in competition.  At the same time, I refuse to stay quiet! 

You know most people on FB, don't open their page to the public.  It's only by invitation.  Those of us that were open to the public were blocked right away.  I sure was!  I don't care if I hurt your feelings.  Some of you out there, need to be bitchslapped!  Why should I be nice to a bunch of time wasters, that don't agree with truth, logic, and common sense!  If they are democrats they are beyond help!  I don't want them in my circle even if they think they came over!  They're  duped into, it's ok to be paying taxes for frivolous government projects that have nothing to do with their interest.  Padding the criminals pockets is what that is.  Dems are truly dumb!

You see, people have to prove themselves to me, before I can accept  them.  I was always this way.  When I worked, I just tolerated them.  I was a hard worker till the end, when I saw what was going on around me.  I had to retire.  

These idiots in office in their 80's don't want to let go of power!  They are sick, twisted thugs that need to be brought to justice!  Also, so do a lot of the younger idiots, that went against their oath to the people!  I see a very tyrannical government right now!  How can people support this, is beyond me!  Except, that they are evil human beings, to want us not to be able to defend ourselves!  What? Then they can totally control us?  Not happening! 

 I see the play book of Nazi Germany playing out!  If you don't see it, then you are really dumb!  Also satanic worship is real!  Why else would someone destroy God's creation right up until birth?  Sick twisted people, and I for one don't want anything to do with these sick twisted mongrels!  

I refuse to play nice, with anyone that is that twisted!  It's obvious they hate God!  Seeing them go to church, is another issue I have with them!  The church is bought by them, and it's all a show!  Corrupt churches exist and people are conditioned very easily.  That is one subject that I did excel in.  That is exactly what is happening to the children in some schools.  The masses just go on like it's all normal.  When it isn't!

Well, as I sit here sipping my coffee, I am still waiting for the passion fruit to drop, from the vine.  It's all in good time!

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