Thursday, December 30, 2021

A Long List

 This part is good!  65 years in the slammer for Ghislaine Maxwell and I'm betting she sings!  I'm betting she and other elite's had Ebstein killed.  If I was those guards I would be very worried.  No, I won't shut up!  Children were trafficked and killed!  I won't tolerate satanic people like this!  I can't wait to see the political crap commies, involved as "guests" and allowed this to continue!  That goes for the Bushes too!  

Time to go after Fauci too!  Where are the peta idiots when he was torturing those dogs?  Science?  BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!  I plan to get together with friends this New Years!  I will hug and kiss!  F%#k you Fauci and loons!  Fear is not an option!  

Here is where all the left commies go nuts, when they find out!  All the people that were placed on a pedestal for political tyranny!  How many will lose it?  I'm betting many will.  Some already lost their minds!  Hell they are still in denial that it was their party, that were involved with the KKK!   It's they who wanted great men like Marten Luther King, killed.  The Kennedy's, didn't play by their commie rules either.  Still asleep out there?  Still don't believe that?  Be ready when the information finally comes out!  Most were bribed by money and power.  They sold their souls to Satan himself!  That goes for the generals that failed to uphold our constitutional rule!  They all need to SWING!  

Remember all those victims at this time.  Perverted to death!  Sad, that creeps like this, that do that act to humans exist!  I for one will be happy when the hammer drops! God's got this!  They will pay, if not now, then later!  Soros, with all his minions will suffer for all eternity!

Names will be NAMED!

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