Friday, July 26, 2024

We All Know The Fake Media

 We put up with way too much from the fake news gaslighting us, on a daily bases.  Glad I'm smart enough to notice and do research.  No matter how much they scrub, on actual proof, most of us have it backed up.  What do you expect though, from the ones that rely on fake news and fact check, snopes...  "They're sites that they created."  Oh so it must be true...  Yeah no!  It's not!

I remember when being blocked, they said then, 'get your own place... We have now, yet they're still going nuts out there...  We shouldn't be able to voice anything but they are?  LOL  poor babies!  That is what commie, Marxists in this trying to be tyrannical country, aiming to do!  

Then they have the gall to cry "democracy"  Try tyrannical government,  by them!  BTW dip wads, we are a Republic!  For which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all!  Not just for the corrupt idiots, that don't even know what democracy is!

I watched in horror, as President Donald J. Trump was shot!  Now they say it was just shrapnel?  There was a dead person, in the stands, and the left wants to marginalize an assassination attempt?  

Frankly, I'm surprised they aren't holding a vigil for the assassin.  That is how clueless the idiots out there are!  They're all nasty and hateful!  Always have and always will be!  Seeing what they are trying to pull, is disturbing.  Obviously they are disturbed so they have to cover up their lies.   

This by President Donald J. Trump on TRUTH:

For all you dummies out there this is how many saw this post after I did!  Yes, I have first hand TRUTH's from DJT, he is very popular.  I'm betting there are even more after I went back to screen shot this.
Look what I get at TRUTH when I open my mouth, allowed to speak...  92...  Probably more now.  I'm very picky who I connect with.  I have more following me than I have following.
Just one of my responders that I liked.  I would write stuff like this on Twitter, X, and Facebook "Fakebook"and be blocked lol.  Not on TRUTH!

Oh they hate we have our own place now!  Didn't they tell us all to go do that?  Now that we have a place they still ain't happy.  They're all so full of hate.  We love TRUTH social and Rumble.

LA really needs more crime!  Look at the latest from 0harris:

Such horrible people!   I guess the elites will be safe.  You won't be though.  

Yes, well here in Florida we have people willing to keep the TRUTH!  Oh look!  Just in 9 min. 1.74K hearted!

And if that ain't driving them all nuts.... well there are people like me telling my truth!  Here is my response just this morning...  No more gray screen of shame, I complained and they must have been fired at TRUTH.  Good!  Truth is truth!  

For treason, hanging was the punishment!  The criminals at facebook, TWITTER and X don't want to hear that!  Because, they all fly with the criminals!  

What they did to Trump in NYC wasn't right!  As lawyers and judges, they really are going against justice.  They all need to be called out!   They're causing false accusations, trying to destroy our justice system, with their personal hate for one person, DJT!  They went against him speaking?   Taking away his first amendment right to speak?  That right there should tell you, it ain't right to do that, to no one!

It is so disgusting, what went on at the White House, with those hoodlums burning our flag!  They all need to be deported out of our country, since they hate it so much!  I heard the few arrests they did...  Well they were let go already?  Why?  

Meanwhile the FBI posing as MAGA, trap set on the January 6th rally, with President Trump, are all still in jail!  Some have died!  Yeah we know all!  This is what scares them, this will not be forgotten.  They are afraid and need to be for what they did to the American people!  

They even tried pitting us against each other, with race baiting!  Guess what!  We have more blacks joining us now than ever before!  I heard a few days ago that BLM, is even disgusted with the corrupt democrat party!  THANK YOU LORD!  FINALLY!  Here is a good "LINK"

Well, I know I'v had it with the corrupt RINO GOP too!  Thats probably why they opened the borders.  The GOP stood around with fingers up their asses!  They want Americans gone!  Especially President Donald J. Trump!  Now they are even lying about the polls, so they can cheat again.  More are getting involved.  I know that my vote never counted in Washington State!  Sad when you are a loser democrat, that has to cheat to win!

I'm putting God first, so that this man can get our country back!  Many are doing the same behind the scenes!  The armor of God with angels!


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