Thursday, July 25, 2024

Dr. Ben Carson: The Left’s Worship of Kamala Harris, and God’s Mission f...

Ben, there will always be stupid people out there.  We have them out there, now!  Americans that paid attention, want to save this country.  The dummies are just mimicking what we say.  It will be a test.  God will always be there though and I'm not afraid!  

I just hate to see this country go to the commie, Marxists like Harris and co.  Even the gutless wonders in the republican party!  I know President Donald J. Trump saw what many of us did.  Unfortunately there are the clueless idiots working for corruption in the media.  They are dangerous.  

Worse, the dummies out there listening to it all!  Just like COVID and everything else they pull!  COVID was real but they played with it. 

"Lets make everyone get the jab, lets get everyone to stay 6ft apart, lets make them wear masks, lets make them wear two masks, lets close schools, churches and ma and pa businesses...  Lets take the votes and cheat 2020..."  

It's so obvious to the ones that can see.  Others want to be sheeple.  They ain't Americans!  They have no clue what democracy is, and they don't know that we are a REPUBLIC!  

President Donald J. Trump is not the evil one!  They all are!  Keep up with that gaslighting you dummies out there!  

You're on to them Ben Carson, so are the rest of us with truth!  We do know they lie and play dirty, we know what they are! 

You know Hitler scrubbed truth.  I worked at a Sears store in the 70's, where there was a woman that was from Germany, didn't know what was going on till after the war.  All of the people in the area, were shown the bodies after it was all over.  It haunted this woman forever!  I think schools need to show how corruption can start in schools, so it will never be forgotten and never be used on the people, AGAIN!  There are too many of us that will not be fooled!  Democracy to them means lets just put this or that person in, forget about voting...  

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