Sunday, July 21, 2024

Oh Man, Still Dumb!

 Yes people have money coming out their ass.  They seem to all love war!  They still support this party of corruption and divide!  They aren't noticing the droves dropping out of the DNC.  Whoo boy are they ignorant...

Just look what I just grabbed off the internet...  I'm sure there will be more of these dummies, as the day goes on!  How wonderful for women.... not really, because we know what Harris is.  Dumb as a box of rocks and I'm a woman saying it!  She will do well as a puppet for 0bama "a man" so much for women power 😂.  I'll still say, behind every great man is a greater woman.  Melania has that kind of class!

Well time to go post this at TRUTH social where I'm NOT blocked by commie Marxists tyrannical mongrels!  Keep it up dummies!

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