Sunday, July 14, 2024

This Is Who They All Are!

 President Donald J Trump, was friends with them.  He and all of us MAGA people became their enemy, soon as he ran for Presidency!  The FBI was part of it all and J6 was a big set up!  That should wake you up!  

Same thing was done to the Kennedys because, they didn't agree!  

"The illuminati wealthy power-hungry mongrels, in office for years, that you see in this video here!"  

Epstien was killed, because he had something on all of them.   I know he was no angel, but he didn't trust them either!  The FBI went to the island to mismanage any and all evidence of guests!  Just like they did in Mar Largo!  "President Donald J. Trumps home!  Wake up dumbasses!  You're stupid, is really showing strong now!  

Your party and our government is under attack!

God will be doing more in the near future.....  I believe that the shooter, like so many hatting President Trump out there and MAGA, are still being brainwashed by the fake media!  

Look at that slow response "HERE"

I knew, DJT was a democrat.  I know he knew, something was off in government!  In the 80's!  Thats why I voted for him in 2016!  You see some of us pay attention!  I really didn't care for anyone, after I voted twice for Reagan, "yep the two bit actor."   Glad President Donald J. Trump came along!   FEARLESS!  Many of us will be with Gods help!  

We unlike the cowards in government right now, will be doing things the right way though, within the law!  Even when "LAW" is being ignored by these satanic mongrels!  The media is mutilating the TRUTH!  We have people out there, doing a better job than they are!  That is what scares them!  That is why so many of us have been silenced on social media...  Only their narrative was allowed to be sold to you!

You people out there are stupid, have weak minds and it is showing now even more!

Here is a recap of the hate you were fed!  EVIL!

We also need to destroy all of Satans statues by court houses, as well!  These people are sick and perverted!  In Gods name I pray the wicked shall be destroyed...   God took this one out.... I believe it was a bolt of  lightning.

All will be on bended knee to our Lord Jesus Christ!  The almighty God!  REPENT!

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