Wednesday, July 10, 2024

No Commie Marxist Regime In Florida!

 Inslee and loons, up in Washington State, made it what I call it today!  "A dictatorship of fools!"  Demanding all citizens, to be in lock step of masking, 6ft distancing, untested vaccinations...  All to pit people against one another!  If I was working, I would have walked off my job!  Thankfully retired already, but I was volunteering.  Oh well!

We did take it seriously.  By washing our hands!  The most preventative thing to do out there!  Staying home when you are sick.  Using clean towels to turn on and off water in the house and wiping things down with a little bleach mixed with soap.  We didn't get the shot and we didn't get sick!  People around us that did, got sick!  Now I heard more health issues on top of it all!  SAD!  

It was fun to see the idiot next door, coming home from work, all alone in the car with a mask on.  I waited as he got out of his car, he muffed a hello to me.  I said what?  Can't understand you with that mask on!  I said to him, you know that does nothing for you being safe don't you?  He said they make them do it at work.  I said yeah, but you were in your car alone!

That is when I turned to my husband and said...  We need to move!  

I went to a favorite nursery, "which BTW got what they deserved" IMHO!  I was shopping and told, after the fact, to distance and put on a mask.  After the fact of getting all what I thought I needed, ready to check out.  I told them, I don't do that.  To do that you need to be washing your hands and remove the mask every 10 min. or so to put another one on.  That does nothing in protecting you.  In fact touching your face, always adjusting a mask, is bringing more germs to your face area.  

"I worked in health care and was on the safety committee."   Not to mention germs from inside the mask and breathing it all back in, is bad for you.  That is why you need to change them every 10-15 min.  Wash your hands and repeat.  It's not saving you!  Neither was the shot!

I asked, so where are the bio stations and why are there no bio trash bins in the parking lot?  

I love the look on dumb liberal faces when confronted.  It's always so priceless.  ...You really need stations set up with soap and water and boxes of masks, if you want to do it right you know.  With bio hazard containers.

Well after being harassed, before I got thrown out of the store, I left my very full cart and left!  Yep!  Right there on the spot!  Their loss, not mine!  

I had seeds in my greenhouse and did 4 hanging baskets.  They filled the baskets beautifully and bloomed in a month!  Just in time for the showing to sell!  That is what I get for feeling lazy!  I thought I would just buy plants and fill my baskets.  Thank you ***** nursery for saving me money!  Not without the aggravation.  However I did enjoy schooling them all.  That was my joy!  There were others in the store, which made me even more bold.  Plus, I know aikido, if anyone tried anything stupid, also I carry.  Oh, oh.... remember distancing!😂😎

Anyway it prompted me to do some research on Florida.  I didn't want to go to Arizona.  Too close to California and the border!  We are up in elevation here.  I also did weather history and made sure, we were to move to an all red county, far away from cities!  

No carpets, acreage, pool...  I FOUND IT!  Called the realtor nearby "good people!  She was an Indiana gal!"  Her whole family is into real estate!  Husband, kids...  Stuck hubby on a plane and said, GO GET IT!  He even checked on some online friends of mine.  How cool was that!  We did FaceTime through the process.  It was better than seeing on line!  Oh he was giddy with, "Wait till you see how beautiful this area really is in person!"  Our house sold in 3 days, got movers and a month later we were moving in, after a 5 day drive!  We left soon as movers packed our stuff up!  Said we will meet you there!  The guy with the truck lives in the Panhandle.  He was coming home!  

Now that we have my brother and family here, it's even better!  My one  niece teaches about two hours south of where we all are.  We have fantastic people around us!  I'm from the Midwest.  I missed my lightning bugs and best yet, hospitality of the people!  I didn't have that in Washington State!  REAL FREEDOM!  Everyone waives here, not the middle finger either!  Only to assholes, that don't know the protocol!  We have a red door.  Here in the south, that is the only colors we go by!  Oh and if you buy Zephyrhills water, know that everyone swims in the springs!  ENJOY!  ðŸ˜‚

New sign for Florida

Our Welcome Sign Coming Here!

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