Monday, July 08, 2024

These Two Have Fear

 Yes, I just stated what judgement would come to them.  They blocked me on TWITTER a week before they took President Donald J. Trump off, of TWITTER.  I was attacking?  I was threatening?  Never mind what they all were doing to the people in America, right?

I am sorry for the people that followed along.  I'm sorry for people that can't think for themselves.  I'm sorry for the people that don't have God in their lives.  I am fortunate, for the Holy Spirit, filling me with the truth.  Man is now trying to pit everyone, against one another.  Guess what it failed!  The haters still hating are the useful idiots!  God will be putting a stop to that soon too.  Satan, I rebuke you!  

I stated what the punishment would be for treason and what they have done to their States.  I guess I, scared them.  I also named Obama, Clintons, Bush, Biden and son....  Many others.  They called me a threat?  They are the ones trying to divide this country!   

Note:  If you dare challenge evil, they will try to destroy you.  Marginalize you, dragging you through the mud.

Isaiah 54:17 

I have the armor of God, where no weapon formed against me will prevail!  They tried to put fear in me, with their poison!  I renounced Satan!  I will NOT comply!  I meant it!  I'm not alone but horrified, how many fell for it!  Facebook blocked me to the point, that they would block me, shadow ban, just for showing up!  I decided then, that it was worth deleting it from my life.  Real friends and family, have my email and phone number.

"If you don't like it then get your own platform!"  That is what was spewed by the serpents!  We did and now, they all are unhinged.  There you have it!  Never satisfied and always miserable!  That is what they all are.

The hunter will become the hunted, now.  

Here is just two of the ones that feared me, enough to have me blocked.

Shifty Schiff and double masked Inslee!  I name them, just two of the criminals...  Inslee is a snake!  "I'll do what California and Oregon does."  Was his statement.  What?  People pissing and shitting in the streets?  People grabbing and robbing stores?  People destroying property of others?  BTW, this is what caused us to move, getting more for our money and staying FREE!  Thank you Florida!  

Criminals were ruling in the streets, without consequences.  The summer of bullshit, is what I called it!  Because, that is what this administration is doing to the country! with open boarders of criminals, pouring into our country!  The rise of groceries, gas and destroying the food source...!  The people of this country that see, have spoken!  We don't like it!  Yer all going down, in Gods name!  Baal will be destroyed!  The religion of hate for God, will be finished!          


Thank you God, for protecting, Shielding, my family from the lies of evil men!


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