Sunday, July 21, 2024

Sacrificial Lamb

 The deep state needs to be exposed, before they hurt someone!  They have so much hate, and are using people to turn on others.  This is what evil is up to!

I'm betting, if one of them gets shot, like President Trumps assassination attempt was, "God intervened" and I am so sure of this.  The same will not happen, for the next sacrificial lamb they put into office, after Joe.  Guess who get's blamed for it!  You just watch!  It's going to be a sad day no matter who the deep state calls to die.  Just like they did with JFK and RJK.  

Yes, don't you DARE go against the deep state illuminati!   

We need to take them down, so we can go back to what this country was founded on by winning BIG!  

Women please wake the hell up!  You are making the rest of us look bad!  God created man and woman.  If your man isn't great enough for you, that is your fault!  God gave you a job!  Too bad you don't know, or are just fighting his will!  Stop wanting mans power!  You are there only to be a companion, a mother, a provider to family!  God's!

Sure I climbed mountains, but I knew men were always stronger than me.  I probably was more agile on some slabs of rock, than they were.  We worked as a team!  We wanted that same goal, of reaching the top!  Hopefully alive!

I know God is going to intervene again, so I will just leave this post here.  I'm worried for the people, that think that life of others is meaningless and worth snuffing out.  Thou shall not kill!  MAGA people know God's rules, the deep state does not!  Nor do they care for human life!  They hate God and they hate his creation, it shows!

President Donald J. Trump, didn't have to do this!  He was on Opera's show, as a democrat!  He was being asked that question, of being president someday!  I thought yeah right!  He supported the democrat party!  I was laughing...  I can't wait for him to expose what is going on in our country now!  I saw what happened in 2004 in Washington State!  I knew then, my vote was not counting!  I voted for him in 2016, 2020 and I will be voting again in 2024!  This time in Florida, for President Donald J. Trump!


At this point, I feel 0biden didn't write that tweet!  Notice how I use 0.  Someone is in control of our Government and they hate America!  Most of all they hate!  I will still trust in God! 

This is Ice Cream day!  These are my Ice Cream Banana Trees.


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