Monday, July 29, 2024

Hillbilly Elegy Needs To Be Seen

 Just got done watching a movie, that I really enjoyed!  You see, I like real life movies the best!  This, really was. 

After in need of Kleenex, I realized life is different for all of us.  Everyone is running around out there so judgmental and self righteous, without seeing a human side of things.  

Truth really does matter.  I can't help to think how brave, for someone to put their laundry out there, for everyone to see!  I think right now, this is exactly what America needs!

Like in this move, I grew up different too.  Everyone does.  This movie showed me how destructive someone can be, and what perseverance is, to overcome.  Only a strong person can do that.  You definitely need to be a strong person, to put up with what JD Vance had to put up with.  In a way, I saw myself in JD.  I knew right from wrong.  Like JD.  I had nothing to do with drugs, but others can try and lure you.  Two of my friends did die from drug and alcohol abuse.  This movie brought that part home for me.  Also not having a father figure.  Mine died when I was 6.  Thank heavens for my Busha!

I thank God, everyday for his guidance.  I know I didn't do it alone.  Like in this movie JD also was guided.  He was and is strong, he has determination!  

I'll say it again!  Women have a roll.  They need to realize what it is.  I sure as heck do!  We are there for the man!  A woman that sticks through the worst and the best, is very strong!  The man is great only because of a good woman.  

Listen up ladies out there!  Behind every good man there is a good woman!  I believe JD Vance and Donald J. Trump are those lucky men!  Look what America is going through right now! 

Please stop the lies, the hate and do your research!  Look what has happen to our cities in the last 3 years!  Look at the hate!  Look at the lies, pitting one another, against the other!  Stop it, because you look really juvenile!  

Ron Howard did a bang up job with this true story, of a person that came from nothing.  From what I understand, his wife is Indian, from India.  I know their culture, because I worked with a couple of gals that had pre arranged marriages.  Usha, is a strong and wonderful woman.  I believe her parents came to the USA with nothing.  They did it the right way, unlike the illegals we have just walking in!  

Even though I worked too, my husband did well!  Happy husband, happy life!  I believe Usha is the strong woman behind JD Vance.  It always takes a woman!  ALWAYS!  

Now, I know why President Donald J. Trump chose JD Vance for Vice President!  Well done sir!

Here is just a trailer to the movie.  It's running now free if you have Netflix.  I hope all Americans out there watch the movie.  It was very well done!  

Click here to see information about the movie: Hillbilly Elegy "LINK" 

GP: J6 Tortured And Abused....

Yes boys and girls ...ok you that don't know what the hell you are too....  Y'all need to know that they even locked up a woman in her 70's just for attending the Trump rally!  YES IT WAS A RALLY!  The FBlie corrupt CIA set a trap for people.  

Now they are still locked up!  Funny how the flag burning dummies in D Sleaze didn't get locked up for what they did at the capital!  Unbelievable what they are doing to this country!

Thanks HUFF from GP!


She Reminds Me Of Shrek...

 ðŸ˜‚😂😂  No one likes 0harris and those are all fake polls...  Just like they did in 2020!  Have you seen Venezuela?  Yeah this is what we have here in the USA right now with the cabal!  Democracy?   Everyone screaming that is clueless to the fact we are a Republic!  Voting on gender and color...  dividing and hating that is what the demonic lib-tards are!

I thought this was funny...  Yes one needs to get inside the sick head of the dummies and still can't understand their twisted minds!  BTW I'm now back on X.  Have all the people that I had before.  It's been a year I thought it's been two but that would be counting time blocked on twit the first time!  F'n commie Marxists that hate the first Amendment!  Just like at fakebook!


Sunday, July 28, 2024

Enjoying God's Gifts


Elon got me back on X.... He might be sorry about that move lol...  I'm still voting for TRUMP!

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Christmas In July!

 We live around the best of the best!  This time it was a celebration of summer with good friends, with good food and gifts!  It's so cool, God put us all in the same hood!  

      Their pup              The Chief Master Sargent

God is with us

We were greeted by my favorite Santa!

There was so much food!  We brought a desert, "tiramisu" and I don't know why, I didn't take a picture of the food!  I took a picture of the white elephant gifts we all brought.  I ended up with an ice scrapper very useful in Florida, right?  LOL... and hubby ended up with a cool wrap for around the neck, to fight the heat when doing yard work.  NICE!  I already had one.

Ornaments given out with my favorite persons picture on the back!

  Our host was a Chief Master Sargent from the Iraq war.  His house was filled with lots of cool stuff! 

This was the greatest gift of all we got!  Sand from the Beach of Normandy!  Our host was there!  Lot's of slides were shown!  The Reenactor's really were into that period from the war.  
Normandy 2024!

This sand was bottled and given to all of us at the party.   

How cool was this! 

A good time was had by all!

Friday, July 26, 2024

REAL Leadership!


We All Know The Fake Media

 We put up with way too much from the fake news gaslighting us, on a daily bases.  Glad I'm smart enough to notice and do research.  No matter how much they scrub, on actual proof, most of us have it backed up.  What do you expect though, from the ones that rely on fake news and fact check, snopes...  "They're sites that they created."  Oh so it must be true...  Yeah no!  It's not!

I remember when being blocked, they said then, 'get your own place... We have now, yet they're still going nuts out there...  We shouldn't be able to voice anything but they are?  LOL  poor babies!  That is what commie, Marxists in this trying to be tyrannical country, aiming to do!  

Then they have the gall to cry "democracy"  Try tyrannical government,  by them!  BTW dip wads, we are a Republic!  For which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all!  Not just for the corrupt idiots, that don't even know what democracy is!

I watched in horror, as President Donald J. Trump was shot!  Now they say it was just shrapnel?  There was a dead person, in the stands, and the left wants to marginalize an assassination attempt?  

Frankly, I'm surprised they aren't holding a vigil for the assassin.  That is how clueless the idiots out there are!  They're all nasty and hateful!  Always have and always will be!  Seeing what they are trying to pull, is disturbing.  Obviously they are disturbed so they have to cover up their lies.   

This by President Donald J. Trump on TRUTH:

For all you dummies out there this is how many saw this post after I did!  Yes, I have first hand TRUTH's from DJT, he is very popular.  I'm betting there are even more after I went back to screen shot this.
Look what I get at TRUTH when I open my mouth, allowed to speak...  92...  Probably more now.  I'm very picky who I connect with.  I have more following me than I have following.
Just one of my responders that I liked.  I would write stuff like this on Twitter, X, and Facebook "Fakebook"and be blocked lol.  Not on TRUTH!

Oh they hate we have our own place now!  Didn't they tell us all to go do that?  Now that we have a place they still ain't happy.  They're all so full of hate.  We love TRUTH social and Rumble.

LA really needs more crime!  Look at the latest from 0harris:

Such horrible people!   I guess the elites will be safe.  You won't be though.  

Yes, well here in Florida we have people willing to keep the TRUTH!  Oh look!  Just in 9 min. 1.74K hearted!

And if that ain't driving them all nuts.... well there are people like me telling my truth!  Here is my response just this morning...  No more gray screen of shame, I complained and they must have been fired at TRUTH.  Good!  Truth is truth!  

For treason, hanging was the punishment!  The criminals at facebook, TWITTER and X don't want to hear that!  Because, they all fly with the criminals!  

What they did to Trump in NYC wasn't right!  As lawyers and judges, they really are going against justice.  They all need to be called out!   They're causing false accusations, trying to destroy our justice system, with their personal hate for one person, DJT!  They went against him speaking?   Taking away his first amendment right to speak?  That right there should tell you, it ain't right to do that, to no one!

It is so disgusting, what went on at the White House, with those hoodlums burning our flag!  They all need to be deported out of our country, since they hate it so much!  I heard the few arrests they did...  Well they were let go already?  Why?  

Meanwhile the FBI posing as MAGA, trap set on the January 6th rally, with President Trump, are all still in jail!  Some have died!  Yeah we know all!  This is what scares them, this will not be forgotten.  They are afraid and need to be for what they did to the American people!  

They even tried pitting us against each other, with race baiting!  Guess what!  We have more blacks joining us now than ever before!  I heard a few days ago that BLM, is even disgusted with the corrupt democrat party!  THANK YOU LORD!  FINALLY!  Here is a good "LINK"

Well, I know I'v had it with the corrupt RINO GOP too!  Thats probably why they opened the borders.  The GOP stood around with fingers up their asses!  They want Americans gone!  Especially President Donald J. Trump!  Now they are even lying about the polls, so they can cheat again.  More are getting involved.  I know that my vote never counted in Washington State!  Sad when you are a loser democrat, that has to cheat to win!

I'm putting God first, so that this man can get our country back!  Many are doing the same behind the scenes!  The armor of God with angels!


Thursday, July 25, 2024

Dr. Ben Carson: The Left’s Worship of Kamala Harris, and God’s Mission f...

Ben, there will always be stupid people out there.  We have them out there, now!  Americans that paid attention, want to save this country.  The dummies are just mimicking what we say.  It will be a test.  God will always be there though and I'm not afraid!  

I just hate to see this country go to the commie, Marxists like Harris and co.  Even the gutless wonders in the republican party!  I know President Donald J. Trump saw what many of us did.  Unfortunately there are the clueless idiots working for corruption in the media.  They are dangerous.  

Worse, the dummies out there listening to it all!  Just like COVID and everything else they pull!  COVID was real but they played with it. 

"Lets make everyone get the jab, lets get everyone to stay 6ft apart, lets make them wear masks, lets make them wear two masks, lets close schools, churches and ma and pa businesses...  Lets take the votes and cheat 2020..."  

It's so obvious to the ones that can see.  Others want to be sheeple.  They ain't Americans!  They have no clue what democracy is, and they don't know that we are a REPUBLIC!  

President Donald J. Trump is not the evil one!  They all are!  Keep up with that gaslighting you dummies out there!  

You're on to them Ben Carson, so are the rest of us with truth!  We do know they lie and play dirty, we know what they are! 

You know Hitler scrubbed truth.  I worked at a Sears store in the 70's, where there was a woman that was from Germany, didn't know what was going on till after the war.  All of the people in the area, were shown the bodies after it was all over.  It haunted this woman forever!  I think schools need to show how corruption can start in schools, so it will never be forgotten and never be used on the people, AGAIN!  There are too many of us that will not be fooled!  Democracy to them means lets just put this or that person in, forget about voting...  

This Week In Jihad with David Wood and Robert Spencer (Second Gentleman ...

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Congresswomen Rashida Talib Disrespecting the Protocols. Netanyahu Addre...

How can you be Jewish and a Democrat at the same time?

Elon Musk's Trans Kid - Heartbreaking

Will The People Wake Up In Time

They don't care about you.  The cabal has their own agenda and it doesn't include you!  George Carlin knew and he was right!  A smart comedian, had to spill it out!  It's a club and you ain't invited!  

When the markets crash, when President Donald J. Trump takes over, they will blame him for it.  Anything that hurts the public they will blame you for it, because he isn't in the club of the corrupted elite.  It wouldn't have mattered what party he would run on.  Somehow he knew what was going on even in the republican party.  He was a democrat.  You see President Donald J. Trump saw, just being in his first term, how corrupt our government really was.  It's very sad so many are being fooled on a daily basis.  

My grandmother was right!  Came from Poland around 1919 or before?  She tried to hide her age...LOL I found out through research and had to tell my mother.   My grandmother, would spew from the time I can remember, "all politicians are crooked!"  I grew up realizing what she was saying.  Especially after the assassination of two Kennedys.  I knew that Johnson was a snake!  As a kid I din't like certain people for a reason.  In fact, I'm still like that today!

Let's not look at party.  What have I said about JFK and RFK...  Interesting about how RFK Jr. wants Sirhan, Sirhan now 80 freed.  

The criminal fraud here we go.  Well here it is being talked about.



Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Tropical Storm

 Finishing our wine in the lounge area.  Watching the storm.

What a lovely evening!

Beautiful Florida On The Gulf!

This is wonderful!  My brother took this picture.  His boat is waiting for him.  

Why Kamala Would Be a GREAT President!

Tucker Carlson and Jack Posobiec React to the Trump Shooting and the Cou...

I feel the real criminals in control of the deep state will now blame and accuse Trump.  It's what cornered rats do!  When they do that, the top layer of the cabal will be exposed.  Layer by layer the people will be finding out.  It will be Trump and the hand full of loyal folks exposing them.  Even the controlled fake media.  Most already know about fake.  However the weak minds out there, clinging to something that isn't the same party it used to be will be in shock.  Democrats and so called Republicans.  Trump was a democrat, he was smart to run on the republican ticket, to show us what the republicans are too.  WELL DONE!

I'm loyal to God, so it's easy to not go along, just because.  Trump, was also not a praying man.  He sure as hell is now!

The problem with criminals is, if they aren't winning, all they know how to do is kill people that expose.  Kennedy's anyone.... ?  A long time with criminals since that time to now.  

Look what they are doing to whistleblowers.  Be aware, they will be trying to piss off conservatives to fight.  "SQUIRREL" No assholes, we still believe in law and order!  We will do everything legally without firing a shot!  Yep!  They will be destroyed forever for the criminals they all are!  Just watch them panic.  

BTW I'm not the one threatening, but I'm sure many are ready to break their computers.  I have a knack for it.  God is a good part of my life, he will win in the end!  Either way the cabal, deep state criminals will lose. 

Monday, July 22, 2024

Donald Trump - You Missed (Tom MacDonald Remix)

Critical Hour: Biden Steps Down, Prophecy Fulfilling

Yep! 0harris...

 They don't know what the republic is, let alone democracy!

This is a satanic coup!  


She supported criminals to riot!  I would think liberal women would see how she feels, how corrupt she really is...  

Ok so much for liberal women.  They're all brain dead idiots!  All of us conservative women know what they all are, already.  A disgrace!  They're all haters and ugly people, not caring for American women!  Especially in Women's sports!  Talk about destroying Women and the country!  Libtards are doing it!

Funny how the leftards think.  It's also very dangerous!  They think it's just fine to assassinate a running opponent!  Who knows what they are doing to 0biden right now!  Where is he now?  It's a coup and they have no idea about democracy!  MORE LIKE CRIMINALS!  

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Sacrificial Lamb

 The deep state needs to be exposed, before they hurt someone!  They have so much hate, and are using people to turn on others.  This is what evil is up to!

I'm betting, if one of them gets shot, like President Trumps assassination attempt was, "God intervened" and I am so sure of this.  The same will not happen, for the next sacrificial lamb they put into office, after Joe.  Guess who get's blamed for it!  You just watch!  It's going to be a sad day no matter who the deep state calls to die.  Just like they did with JFK and RJK.  

Yes, don't you DARE go against the deep state illuminati!   

We need to take them down, so we can go back to what this country was founded on by winning BIG!  

Women please wake the hell up!  You are making the rest of us look bad!  God created man and woman.  If your man isn't great enough for you, that is your fault!  God gave you a job!  Too bad you don't know, or are just fighting his will!  Stop wanting mans power!  You are there only to be a companion, a mother, a provider to family!  God's!

Sure I climbed mountains, but I knew men were always stronger than me.  I probably was more agile on some slabs of rock, than they were.  We worked as a team!  We wanted that same goal, of reaching the top!  Hopefully alive!

I know God is going to intervene again, so I will just leave this post here.  I'm worried for the people, that think that life of others is meaningless and worth snuffing out.  Thou shall not kill!  MAGA people know God's rules, the deep state does not!  Nor do they care for human life!  They hate God and they hate his creation, it shows!

President Donald J. Trump, didn't have to do this!  He was on Opera's show, as a democrat!  He was being asked that question, of being president someday!  I thought yeah right!  He supported the democrat party!  I was laughing...  I can't wait for him to expose what is going on in our country now!  I saw what happened in 2004 in Washington State!  I knew then, my vote was not counting!  I voted for him in 2016, 2020 and I will be voting again in 2024!  This time in Florida, for President Donald J. Trump!


At this point, I feel 0biden didn't write that tweet!  Notice how I use 0.  Someone is in control of our Government and they hate America!  Most of all they hate!  I will still trust in God! 

This is Ice Cream day!  These are my Ice Cream Banana Trees.


Kamala was in on it.

Oh Man, Still Dumb!

 Yes people have money coming out their ass.  They seem to all love war!  They still support this party of corruption and divide!  They aren't noticing the droves dropping out of the DNC.  Whoo boy are they ignorant...

Just look what I just grabbed off the internet...  I'm sure there will be more of these dummies, as the day goes on!  How wonderful for women.... not really, because we know what Harris is.  Dumb as a box of rocks and I'm a woman saying it!  She will do well as a puppet for 0bama "a man" so much for women power 😂.  I'll still say, behind every great man is a greater woman.  Melania has that kind of class!

Well time to go post this at TRUTH social where I'm NOT blocked by commie Marxists tyrannical mongrels!  Keep it up dummies!

Pastor Lorenzo

 Amen!  PRESIDENT Donald J. Trump took a bullet for us!

Because I'm not without fault.  I made an observation yesterday watching the rally and taking part of the chat.  I won't engage with the trolls but I will drive them all crazier than they already are.

President Donald J. Trump had up to 5.05K thumbs up, by the time the rally ended on Rumble.  The dummies only had 16 thumbs down 😂

Unbelievable how many angry people we have out there!  Enough to take a life?  You better get right with God!