Wednesday, January 18, 2023


With all the ring around the rosy crap, with a corrupted government and trying to plant evidence on a totally innocent person, is disgusting! This is why I was blocked all over the place!  I talked about things the fake media were pushing, was false.  You have no right to talk, shut up before the lemmings that believe everything hear you!  Corrupt FBI, CIA and how many judges being paid off!  Unbelievable! 

People that don't have anything to hide, don't act like how they all are acting!  BTW mop head is a horrible lier!  Just calling it out here!

What did Hunter do for a living?  Don't tell me he is an artist!  Yeah a con artist!!  His art work wouldn't even look good in an outhouse!  His loony little elite were the only ones buying it!  The ones with no taste buying them!  They're all sick!  I saw that laptop the day it was released, before the commies took it all down!  I know what I saw!  I was also a victim of voter fraud!  My ballot all 4 of them had a hard time getting to me!  That was back in 2004!

Well these asshats aren't going to ruin my time on Earth!  I have something they don't!  God!  My frustration is, how these little mongrels, are attacking, hurting, so many people out there!  But half of them are too stupid to see it too, so there is that issue.  If you are in their face too much they block you!  I'm done wasting my time!  However I won't shut up either!

It's in the 70's and sunny.  Beautiful weather!  I'm going to go and do some yard work.  I am feeling much better.  Exercising in our gym helped us get better.  You have to keep moving.  

There are so many beautiful birds!  As I came out in the morning, they all were greeting me!  Chirping and singing.  All three stations have mealworms and seed now.  Also in my butterfly garden, I have a mealworm feeder.  They all love it!  I'm picking up the bird houses to clean them out.  Getting them ready for a new batch to come and have babies.  Nature will show you if you are that confused.  It's how God intended it to happen.

I noticed on our pergola, where the confederate Jasmine is growing up onto it.  There were yellow blooms!  Then I could smell their fragrance!  Very cool!  Thank you God!

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