Sunday, November 14, 2021

A Blessed Sunday

 Here I am again, with more of God's gifts to me.  He heard our prayers and now someone that I know, is doing better!  Thank you Jesus, for your healing.  Thank you, for all your gifts.  Keep evil away, keep us protected.

As you all know, I have nothing to do with FB or Twit.  I am the most hated of all, just because I give truth logic and common sense, the front row seat of my life.  I refuse to hold back on how I see things.  It's amazing to me, that some can be so blind.  I hope that someday, they get it.  My comments are my own and no one has a right to correct me but God himself!  Oh, I have respect, only if I am respected back!

Guns do level the playing field.  You come at me with your gun, skateboard, to beat me to death, you will be met with my right to defend!  You know you can kill someone, with a skateboard, too right?  How stupid are those, that challenge someone with a firearm.  The case being in court, is the bullies, were indeed harassing others on the street.  They wouldn't stop and you know what happens to people like that don't you?  WATCH! You have no right to threaten others and those people, also have a right to fight back!  Don't threaten others and maybe you can live another day.  Fighting for freedom every day, seems to be what is happening right now.  The tyrants, want us disarmed!  Don't let it happen!  Uphold the Constitution of the USA with law and order!  Not with socialist, commie, marxist, George Soros type of tyranny!  If people want that, they need to keep going south, right the hell out of the USA!

Now for some Sunday beauties!  Soon to be planted in our yard.  New additions, will always be updating.  

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