Monday, June 03, 2024

Yer Full Of Shit Dr. Fauci!

I call him Dr. Fucky.  You are the one that killed people you evil little shit!  I'm glad I didn't comply! 

They want us dead and they wanted to see who would go along with that BS!  They are trying like hell to control people in this country!  

Hey Dr. Fauci my body my choice!  YOU are the one that wants to kill people!  I want to see justice but obviously you little commies don't count!  You people are the ones pointing fingers and doing what ever the hell you want to!  Unbelievable... It's ok if they poison you though!

Take those masks Dr. Fucky and wipe your ass!!

Oh and that thug Hunter, has all the criminals in the court for him!  I am betting, if he is convicted, they will all say see....  Then Hunter, can  just disappear, till his old man pardons his son!  Despicable what they are doing!  I'v already knew all this and this show was true to the real facts!  

The left commie, marxists are the ones out of control!

Thanks to our podcasts that we can share without being BLOCKED!  You know the demonic commie, marxists don't like TRUTH!


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