Thursday, June 06, 2024

Fauci Is In Truble, Pence Is Too!

0biden doesn't know which end is up.  They are all failing, but the media is still pushing stupid.  I hope they all lose their jobs!  I think your regular people are doing a much better job and Ivan Raiklin really takes it home!  

I still remember someone saying "Well, Trump said to get the shot!"  I came back at em as saying, "You're telling me you can't think for yourself, or do the research?  You always listen to others?  You must be a democrat!"  Well yeah, you bet I got blocked on FB, TWITTER, X...  I'm on TRUTH now.  Youtube is acting up so slowly getting things to share from Rumble.  The commie Marxists are so upset, because we have our own platforms now.  

Back to the ones being in trouble.  Not to mention, a host of others, being on the naughty list.  These are lives that were compromised, by that jab!  "Thank you God, for giving the heads up, gut feeling, not to do it!"  Keep calling me names you dumbasses out there!  Go ahead!  Don't come crying to me, when stuff starts to happen to you!  

How many people do you know with health issues, or the ones that dropped dead from the jab?  I know people who are plagued with cancer.  I know people died of myocarditis, also on the news but failed to state how.  Well, truth always gets found out!  Someone always knows someone else.  People are doing their own investigations.  

I do watch and do research.  I happen to like Ivan Raiklin

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