Wednesday, June 26, 2024

It Will Be My 3rd Time Voting For Donald J. Trump!

I didn't think he could do it!  But I voted in 2016 for Trump.  There was no one else!  Then 2020 was rigged by cheating democrats.  Yes, and I can't wait to see Donald J. Trump in the White House again! 

I think I was pissed off there was nothing to vote for back then...  Since 2006 Donald J. Trump exposed them, they are so afraid.  They need to be!  They have lied to the people!  

All I can say is Thank You Donald J. Trump!  Forget what I thought back then.  This will be my 3rd time voting for you!  I feel like they set another trap for the debate.  First they set the trap for the J6 rally and now they will be pulling more guano out of their ass for this debate on Thursday.

Disregard what I said back then.  I was upset with what we had in government at that time.  I was very bitter anyway because I already felt things were rigged since way back in 2004!  I was voting against a democrat running for Governor.  Boxes of ballots were located in Washington State at the time too!  Just like 2020 for presidency I'm very sure of it!  They strictly went mail in!  NOT GOOD!  

anyway.... disregard this dribble on Saturday April 22, 2006...

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