Sunday, June 16, 2024

Happy Fathers Day!

 Only to the normal men out there!  The ones that raised their children knowing God, being conservative, teaching good values.  Also to the men that paid their child support even though the relationship failed. 

Unlike this evil garbage trash family in the White House!  Yes that diary is real and all over the place!  If I was Navy the little girl fathered by Hunter.  I would make sure I never had anything to do with them, when an adult!  Only sick people vote for trash like this! 

Well here is what a normal family looks like...

Even when Ivana passed away.  They were the family that sticks together.  She was the mother of the kids.  All except for Baron, Melania is a true gracious smart lady.  Baron looks more and more like his dad now and so tall!

Nope!  I don't watch fake news on TV.  We don't have TV cable, it's been for many years.  I may not be a writer, but I do my own research.  I like so many out there, can think for myself.  I see good and I see evil.  That is my gift from God.  Trump is good!  I had my eye on him for many years since the 80's actually.  Wondered why he was a democrat!  Then again I saw the corruption in the GOP too.  More so when McCain came to run!  I supported Reagan.  Seriously there was nothing after him till now!  TRUMP 2024!  My 3rd time voting for TRUMP! 


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