Tuesday, June 04, 2024

Loving Florida!

 When it does this outside...

I start doing this...

I plan to make Montecristo sandwiches for dinner with this bread.  We had toast this morning.  I'm pleased how perfect the bread came out!  My first time making this particular bread.  I got the pan on line.  

Today it's back to enjoying the tropical surroundings.  Those little Blue Java, ice cream banana trees are really growing!  I plan to put them in the ground next February.  Or not.  For now they are getting pampered.  



I probably will get bigger pots on wheels.  We are in zone 9.  I'm glad we are.  We get somewhat of a cooler winter.  We still use the pool.  There is maybe a month that we don't.  Not bad.  Our birdbath did freeze for a few hours one day.  But then It got warm during the day.  Pretty nice!  If I do leave them in pots, they will have to be in bigger ones than these.  About 20in. in diameter.  

I just want to be able to roll them into the pool area, cabana when the cold snap hits.  I read, they will still bear fruit while growing in pots.  I'll find out.  I guess, if they get too big they will go into the ground.  Maybe one can stay in a pot, on wheels...  Or all 3.  The cage stays a few degrees warmer, in the winter.  We have a heater for the pool as well, so that helps.  It hasn't been on lately, because it's warm out now.  Perfect temperature.  When it gets really warm, the best time to use the pool, is at night.  Evening air and a nice bathwater feel.  Turning on the lights or not.  

I'm feeling pretty spoiled right now.  All we need now, is our country back from the commie, Marxist, tyrant dictators!  It's going to take all of us!  The parties are corrupt and with the deep swamp!  Not saying much about our judicial criminals right now.  They don't have my respect.  I hope the remainder of the people still stuck on stupid, don't wait any longer, to wake up!   The real criminals are still trying to pit us against each other, it's not working and they are scared of us.  They should be, for what they have done to the American people, with their  lies!


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