Sunday, June 23, 2024

Another Wonderful Sunday In Florida!

 Church and Sunday dinner with the family!  Yes, I know how to do an elegant table, because of the places I worked at, while living in West Lafayette Indiana.  

I get to sit-down for a bit.  The bread is in the proof stage.  I still have to mold it and let it raise one more time.  The Hungarian Goulash is cooking away.  Just added potatoes.  I have d'oeuvres ready.  Tea sweetened with honey.  Red wine, before dinner drinks... 

I made the cream brรปlรฉe yesterday.  All I need to do is put the brown sugar on it and flame it.  

I have a nice prayer to say and then we will enjoy the evening!  Why, because we are on the same page, as who we will all be voting for.  Like I have stated in the past.  They would not be my family anymore, if they weren't!  TRUMP 2024!  ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

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