Sunday, June 30, 2024

Buzz The Tower And The White House!

 Maybe even NYC!  LOL  👍

Time To Enjoy The Finer Things God Gave Us.

 We know that 0biden and co. are derived from hell.  God is going to deal with all of them.  I'm not worried.  He is putting the right people in for the job. 

Here in Florida we have the crystal springs!  They are so beautiful!  My cell phone was in a dry bag, so I wasn't about to bring it out.  But pictures don't do it justice.  Being in the clear water is the fun part!  70 degree water!  

Now that the manatees are out in the ocean, It's not full of their bodies.  All the sediment settled down and you get this gorgeous blue water!  We found places the locals don't want you to know about.  Never fear!  I'm good at finding every nook and cranny.  I did in Washington State too!  Even in the government where they hide the bodies!

Here are some pictures, I captured off the internet.  Great shots, by who ever took them.  However the pictures don't do the place justice!  You have to be there!

I guess the monkeys are here?  I didn't see them.  Nor any alligators.

A manatee in the winter time...  Now this was my video...

Yesterday was a nice wet day enjoying the tropical downpour...  Before that, I was able to get some pictures.  

Cardinal in the grass.


This is a white bird of paradise.  HUGE!  One of my neighbors gave it to me when it was just a baby!  It's been in the ground now for over a year going on 2 years.  I think it has to mature more to have a flower?  My plumeria is turning into a tree!  Still no plumeria flowers.  I guess more fertilizer is needed.

This is just one of many milk weeds the monarch butterflies enjoy.  This plant also got huge!  I had to cut some branches away.

Our tropical rain shower!  I went out in the court yard to sit and enjoy the down pour!  We definitely needed it!  My 3 Ice cream banana trees are getting bigger!  You can also see part of the ponytail palm.

Nature is my saving grace.  All from God, I had nothing to do with it at all.  I'm just his kid, running wild and enjoying everything!  Feeling very blessed on this Sunday!  Thank you Jesus!  

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Trump-Biden Debate DESTROYS the Democrats' 2024 Chances | Rich Little, T...

Willow Garden (banjo) - Matt Kinman & Spoon Lady

Biden Lied!


Time to wake the dummies up again!  No They don't endorse Biden!

😂😂😂Oh, OUCH....  CNN!  

Trump Says Biden Made Ukraine War WORSE, Says He Will END The War


This should have been mentioned too!
Remember Biden kept looking at his watch!  In front of the family of the soldiers funeral.  I felt how disrespectful!  The family of the soldier was very upset to see how disrespectful Biden was!

Trump SUPPORTS Ending Roe V Wade, Says The States Should Decide


Friday, June 28, 2024

MSM reacts to Presidential Debate

I'm enjoying the dummie 0biden people on line...  Don't dare say anything at the commie sites, because they can't handle the truth and will block you.  

BTW his cold was cured I see from this morning...😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂...

We Just Keep Winning!

Yes and the 0biden people just keep cheating.  Because most smart people know what is happening.  They are losing!


Danger Close with Patrick Byrne Part 2 | The Roseanne Barr Podcast #54



Faces Of A Criminal


Thursday, June 27, 2024


The democrats will vote for a pile of dog shit if it had a D after it! 

Amazing what the criminals will do next!  Cheat of course!  It's obvious who won!  President Donald J. Trump did of course!  

Too bad there are still dummies out there, that are so fixated on corruption!  This is why I don't have anything to do with them.  

We already know that the loony left are the violent ones!  Saw that first hand from the summer of BULLSHIT in SEATTLE!!  Poor mom and pop business suffered!  Good going vicious mongrels!


President Donald J. Trump!

 He has got this already!  

Fireworks Tonight!


"Who Is Laughing Now"

I call him 0biden for a reason!


The ones you try and reach, all shit money and don't care, because they all listen to fake news.  Sad how a person can be so weak minded, manipulated by evil lies!

What about that skating rink in NYC, that was finished by Donald J Trump!  He stepped up to the plate and did that for you NYC people!

Glad I'm not that evil Trump hating person!  I never complied either, because I can think for myself!  

I know that Donald J. Trump was a democrat.  I know Donald fell into bankruptcy.  I know that Donald got himself out of bankruptcy.  I think that Melania was the most classy First Lady we ever had in the White House.  I know I didn't care for Donalds first wife, but that is none of my business, it shouldn't be yours either!  I know that Donald helped many people and is a genuine caring person.  Donald likes people that work hard!  I saw that on the apprentice.  That is why I voted for him in 2016, 2020, and now I will again in 2024! 

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Behind The Scenes of the "Revelation" video shoot with John Rich

Because God Always Wins!  AMEN!

Remember, That Biden Administration Did This!

 Watch your 6!

Oh and remember this debate?  I do!

Let's Keep It Up...

Trump does what he says he does!  Lame stream fake news likes to twist what he says.  Trump 2024

We need to keep pushing forward!  



It Will Be My 3rd Time Voting For Donald J. Trump!

I didn't think he could do it!  But I voted in 2016 for Trump.  There was no one else!  Then 2020 was rigged by cheating democrats.  Yes, and I can't wait to see Donald J. Trump in the White House again! 

I think I was pissed off there was nothing to vote for back then...  Since 2006 Donald J. Trump exposed them, they are so afraid.  They need to be!  They have lied to the people!  

All I can say is Thank You Donald J. Trump!  Forget what I thought back then.  This will be my 3rd time voting for you!  I feel like they set another trap for the debate.  First they set the trap for the J6 rally and now they will be pulling more guano out of their ass for this debate on Thursday.

Disregard what I said back then.  I was upset with what we had in government at that time.  I was very bitter anyway because I already felt things were rigged since way back in 2004!  I was voting against a democrat running for Governor.  Boxes of ballots were located in Washington State at the time too!  Just like 2020 for presidency I'm very sure of it!  They strictly went mail in!  NOT GOOD!  

anyway.... disregard this dribble on Saturday April 22, 2006...

CNN Freaks Out and Kicks Her Off for Stating Facts

I can't believe CNN is still in business.  

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Screams Before Silence.

 I think this needs to be shown in every collage out there!  Especially the ones screaming to the river to the sea!  Look what you are promoting, before you start screaming it!

A video only for the strong that want TRUTH

Monday, June 24, 2024

“Take this country back! “

The Tyrants are Hilariously Backtracking

Donald Trump - They Not Like Trump (Kendrick Lamar Parody)

Unmasked: Inside Antifa | Episode 223 | Phil in the Blanks Podcast

MAGA folks are NOT the problem!  That's correct Andy Ngo!

These people "social justice"  I will call them "social asshole thugs!"  Social justice creeps are the ones that should be sitting in jail!!

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Another Wonderful Sunday In Florida!

 Church and Sunday dinner with the family!  Yes, I know how to do an elegant table, because of the places I worked at, while living in West Lafayette Indiana.  

I get to sit-down for a bit.  The bread is in the proof stage.  I still have to mold it and let it raise one more time.  The Hungarian Goulash is cooking away.  Just added potatoes.  I have d'oeuvres ready.  Tea sweetened with honey.  Red wine, before dinner drinks... 

I made the cream brûlée yesterday.  All I need to do is put the brown sugar on it and flame it.  

I have a nice prayer to say and then we will enjoy the evening!  Why, because we are on the same page, as who we will all be voting for.  Like I have stated in the past.  They would not be my family anymore, if they weren't!  TRUMP 2024!  👏👏👏👍

Michael Knowles Interviews Rosanne Barr

Hi-Rez - Bad Dreams Ft. Playboy The Beast (Music Video)

Courageous FAITH That is TRULY Inspiring | FULL EPISODE | Huckabee

Trump is in town and is the Treasury building now orange?

Nice coverage P6!  TRUMP 2024!

LIVE: President Trump in Philadelphia, #pennsylvania

I'm betting youtube doesn't keep this up very long.  If it goes poof like the other one I posted, you will know.  I'll just leave this here.

Strait Up Treason From This Administration! !

 Obiden Joe blow,, is threatening Americans Rights!  Hitler and other commie Marxist criminals did this same thing!  

Gateway Pundit

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Friday, June 21, 2024

Danger Close with Patrick Byrne Part 1 | The Roseanne Barr Podcast #53

Disturbing Evidence by Feds to Censor You on Social Media!

Yeah well I'm not the one getting cancer and blood clots from the f'n JAB!!!  

I only wear a mask when I weed wack!  Oh and goggles, and earplugs!  

FBI TARGETS Libertarian Party’s Facebook Page, Says They’ve Been COMPROM...

Sure.  The FBI are the ones working with the commie Marxists!

Dummies Go To The Fake News.

 This is just one of the crap places, the commie Marxists go to for their news: RAWSTORY.COM 

That is just another place where all the people have the MAGA folks and TRUMP, living in their heads.  Deranged loons are so upset and we are winning!  MAGA!

I know what Trump says.  The commie Marxists are losing and they know it!  We are driving them all nuts.  Keep up the good work!

There was no name calling!  I have all his TRUTH'S on TRUTH social!

I don't see name calling there Angie, now take your medicine!  You're  one sick and twisted person, with a weak sick mind. 

Thursday, June 20, 2024

New In The Garden.

 Carrots are gone.  Lettuce too!  It's too hot for them right now.  However the Kohlrabi is doing well!

Peppers started from seeds, of a pepper I picked and ate at my brother's place here in Florida a year ago!

These are another kind I started in the end of January from seed.  I'm going to be making my own salsa now.  Tomatoes are still going strong too!  Nothing like home grown!

Watermelon coming along, the cantaloupe too!  The cantaloupe has flowers on the vine.

The corn?  RIP!  LOL...  My fault, but I will try again.  I need a better irrigation system.  

Neil Oliver: How Banks Took Over Empires, and the Truth About WWII, Brex...

Their democracy is mob rule.  This is what humanity does when not educated and unable to think for themselves.   

No I refuse to go along with fools and get into those cattle carts to the ovens!  BITE ME!

I didn't comply either and don't care!

Washington Post Suggests Hillary Clinton Should REPLACE Kamala Harris As VP


Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Joe Biden Plans MASS AMNESTY For 500k Illegal Immigrants, Blames Trump F...

Nancy Green Has My Respect, Put Her Picture Back!

 Yeah, this is how the commie Marxists start with dividing people...

Thank you to God and Country, from TRUTH social!  A good reminder!

Democrats try to erase history like Hitler tried to!  This is why so many of us on line are blocked and shadow banned.  Stay alert out there!  Republicans in government are just as corrupt for letting this happen!   

TRUMP 2024 We need to get this great woman recognition again!  

They Think You're Dumb Enough to Believe This

They're all fake.  They must be doing all this on purpose, I'm not falling for it!

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Biden's Backing of "BRAVE" Transgender Athletes STOPPED In Its TRACKS | ...

Happy Fathers Day!

 Only to the normal men out there!  The ones that raised their children knowing God, being conservative, teaching good values.  Also to the men that paid their child support even though the relationship failed. 

Unlike this evil garbage trash family in the White House!  Yes that diary is real and all over the place!  If I was Navy the little girl fathered by Hunter.  I would make sure I never had anything to do with them, when an adult!  Only sick people vote for trash like this! 

Well here is what a normal family looks like...

Even when Ivana passed away.  They were the family that sticks together.  She was the mother of the kids.  All except for Baron, Melania is a true gracious smart lady.  Baron looks more and more like his dad now and so tall!

Nope!  I don't watch fake news on TV.  We don't have TV cable, it's been for many years.  I may not be a writer, but I do my own research.  I like so many out there, can think for myself.  I see good and I see evil.  That is my gift from God.  Trump is good!  I had my eye on him for many years since the 80's actually.  Wondered why he was a democrat!  Then again I saw the corruption in the GOP too.  More so when McCain came to run!  I supported Reagan.  Seriously there was nothing after him till now!  TRUMP 2024!  My 3rd time voting for TRUMP!