Friday, May 31, 2024

They Just Made A Big Mistake

 People are seeing the injustice now in the system.  This won't be good for anyone.  Ah, but the ones so brainwashed out there are quick to stay in the commie, Marxist, tyrannical club.  America be damned.  

The donation site for Trump has exploded!  What is going to be next?  Well we aren't like the dip wads, that burned buildings destroyed businesses like the summer of bullshit in Seattle, Portland...  We handle things differently.  Oh, believe me the fear is there for the criminals.  They're all unhinged more than ever now.  Notice how they want us to be afraid?  We ain't!

We did not see justice yesterday!  We saw a coup!

Remember that tomorrow is the beginning of JUNE!


We no longer will recognize anything else these idiots deem wonderful to celebrate!  

The Tampa bridge here in Florida will not have the rainbow colors!  "By the way, the rainbow is Gods promise not for you confused idiots, that reject your birth gender!  The Tampa bridge, is going to be RED, WHITE, and BLUE!  If you feel slighted MOVE AWAY!

What you little "it" punks do, is going to be ignored from now on!  America had enough of your BS!  Run along now!  You blew it with us!

The statue of Baphomet needs to be taken out in NYC and elsewhere too!  We are a God's Nation!  Satan be GONE!

 We know yesterday was a poor spectacle of a power grab!  All out of jealousy and hate.  Nothing more.  I notice very well how miserable these people are.  Even when things are going their way.  Never happy never satisfied unless they make others around them feel like shit, on a daily basis.  

Like I said, I worked with them.  Beating their chest about some menial task they preformed.  Meanwhile a ton of real work was being ignored!  Oh but they thought they were just the cat's meow!

Something tells me they will be finished for what they did to America.  As I sit in the garden this morning.  A calm came over me.  Gods embrace was definitely felt!  Amen!

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