Saturday, May 11, 2024

Just Enjoyed Trumps Rally Tonight!

 You know how we conservative America first, were treated?  We were thrown off, blocked, shadow banned on most social media.  How they told us we need our own place....  

Like always these are miserable people, that hate, are racists, want another world war... Obviously, because the way they want to annihilate Israel!  Well, they showed their ugly mean faces on RUMBLE tonight.  Yes, of course I drove them nuts, by just showing up!  It was fun!  There is no reasoning with these godless idiots.  

It's so unbelievable!  Sad really.  They have no problem killing a child, a gift from God!  

Why kill and take out Israel?  You do realize they were the ones that got attacked and they killed raped Israelis, don't you?  I'm betting the hostages that Palestine took, are now all dead!  

As always, it was so much fun being on line!  It was nice for me tonight, without fear of being blocked!  Not that ever stopped me.   After a while I just deleted their commie platforms all together!  I have been on TRUTH now for a while.  Thank you to RUMBLE, for tonight!  Don't know why the commies couldn't stay on their own commie sites tonight though.

Love your smile Mr. President, Donald J. Trump!  That and the hat looked fabulous, along with your speech tonight!

Loved the fact these two were democrats, and now America First!

I heard that the Northern lights are going to be seen tonight too!  I'm going outdoors, to watch for them tonight again.  

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