Thursday, May 30, 2024

Dumb People.

 No, it's true I'm not a writer.  However I will not be intimidated by loose little mangy mongrels either!  

I plan to continue with my freedom!  I don't know how it's free to kill a human being!  A baby is a human being, also I don't think it's health care to kill a child!  Don't the doctors and nurses take the oath of harm none, anymore?  

God, had made man to be able to reproduce, not kill his creation, because of your selfish lust and stupidity!  That goes for men!  

Look at what Hunter is doing, denying a child he created!  He had sex, probably doped up and now won't pay for a child, that he created!  In denial!  Actually, if I was that little girl, I would wash my hands of that corrupt garbage family, when I'm older and of legal age.  I certainly would change my name!  I'd have nothing to do with them.  That is my advice to that little girl.  That goes for the mother too.  God bless her for having that little girl.  However, I can't get past the reason why she had her.  Why she even went to bed with such a garbage man, like Hunter biden?  YUCK!  The money wouldn't have been worth it for me!  I hope that little girl wasn't born, just to be used.  However...

Oh and as for health insurance paying to take an unwanted child?  THAT AIN'T HEALTH CARE YOU SATANIC PIECE OF SHITS!  

I had to shake my head at disgust for this little post, some idiot thought was a good idea. 

A twisted trashy woman, posted this on line!  I'm posting it to call it out as WRONG!  Ladies if you have young sons, please keep them away from trash that think like this little dumb meme!

I wouldn't be with a garbage man, that thought murdering a child was a good thing!  I would call that man a loser!  Another loser man, is one that can't own up to what they did!  I'm a real woman, I love real men!  Women that post crap like this destroys men!  Women that post shit like this meme, are the ones that are controlled by abusive scumbags, so called men!  Real men don't kill unborn, I love that kind of man!  That to me is a real man!  A God loving man!

The woman that posted this meme, is nothing but satanic!  I call these people out!  They have no clue about God's love!  Children are gifts from God!

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