Tuesday, May 07, 2024

FITTON on College Riots: Where Are The Feds?!

You are so correct Tom!  

They aren't seeing the truth, or is it they refuse to?  Vanity.  I have a stupid drama teacher, from my old school in Indiana that is dummer than a box of rocks...  

In Washington State, I worked with many braindead idiots.  They are really out there!  Rub their noses in it every chance you can!  At this point it's all about who they are the hell with the nation or you and the freedom you have!  Place is burning down and they worry about abortion rights to kill children!  It's not health care it is murder!  I think that is an elective choice!  I wouldn't pay for a facelift or tummy tuck!  You pay for it!   Why should we all pay for your satanic roll in the hay choice!  I refuse!  

They have no common sense what so ever Tom!

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