Sunday, May 26, 2024

He Won - Freedom Lover Tells Governor To Suck His D*ck!

Nope, we never complied!  It's 88 degrees and I'm going in the pool soon!  Beautiful tropical breezes off the Gulf a nice dinner out tonight with my man!  Who can ask for anything more!  Yeah I'm a woman!  Only a real man can be with me.  We survived many of climbs together.  

I'm bullheaded JP!  I just didn't want to live around a bunch of cogs bowing to the commie, Marxist, fascists, tyrannical loons, anymore!  I only bow to God himself.  

I had no problem walking into a store unmasked.  I basically dared people to say something.  That 6ft rule was comical to me too.  What a bunch of clueless loons.

Congratulations to the Gym owner that was harassed!  Well done!  That is what we all need to do against a tyrannical government!  That is why they all are panicking about Trump being in.  Time to clean house and make government small again!  


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