Friday, May 31, 2024

For Love of Country with Tulsi Gabbard | The Roseanne Barr Podcast #50

Yes, I will have to do more work on this blog using Rumble.  Once youtube, totally goes against us.  It's too easy to use youtube, however they have scrubbed many of videos on my blog.  Google had erased the links to information.  I can start using screenshots of information more.  Again making it harder to post!  

Soon they will tell us what to think and already are!  They do it with the BS blue banners at the end of a video, they deem against their narrative.    

I am happy we have TRUTH social and Rumble to combat these little commie Marxist tyrants out there.

Well, Roseanne is no longer a democrat and Tulsi pulled out of the democrat party after she woke up.  This is why I am posting them.  We are just waiting on the rest of the democrats to see what is happening in this country.  Good show Roseanne, thank you to Tulsi.  I feel this blog went clear back to 2004...  Look how long it is taking people to see.  Trump was a democrat too.  I saw he ran on the Republican ticket, that told me he realized what was going on.  This will be hubby and my 3rd time voting for Donald J. Trump.  I had to convince my husband that first time.  Now it's me seeing him giving to the Trump campaign now.  He's a very Constitutional Conservative guy.  I wouldn't be with no other.  

I think every democrat can learn something from this show.  It's good what Roseanne is doing.  Enjoy the show!

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