Wednesday, January 17, 2024

It's Cold In Florida!

 I know it's called weather.  Not buying into the global bs.  At least it was sunny out.  It got up into the 50's.  We have had frost here for a couple of hours last year one day.  Then the year before that, the first season here, we had two days of clear sunny mornings with some frost on the grass.  By afternoon it warms up.  Not enough to go swimming though.

I harvested as many tomatoes as I could.  These are cherry tomatoes.  Some pretty big ones, for being cherry tomatoes.  They can ripen indoors now.  We shall see how the plants do.  No worries though, I have some started indoors.  Carrots and other cold crop I have should do fine.  There were more on the tomato vine, I just thought lets see what happens.


It's the right weather for working outside!  Nice and cool instead of sweltering heat.  I won't work in the yard when we have those two months of heat.  If I do it's pool, work, pool, work...  I refuse to get up early!  Did that all my life while working!  Not doing it now.  The vegetable garden will be fine and I will add mulch.  Just to keep weeds down.  I'm not messing around!

I found the sea grape that was buried by the lantana.  The butterfly garden was a mess and still is.  I'll get it looking good again.  A lot easier to maintain than actually putting in the garden.  It's established.


Then I found the stepping stones, bench and gnome!

I found my strawberry plants!  They were buried!  They look ok though.

A nice fire soon for all this stuff!  I'll let it dry out some.  No caterpillars on any of it.  That's what takes so long to prune.  I look for cocoons

People are going nuts, I refuse to go along with them.  Trump won!  Now while the little dictators spin their versions, are telling the people no?  The people are saying too damn bad treasonous, commie, assholes!  I know I'v had enough of them!

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