Thursday, August 01, 2024

LIVE: President Trump in Harrisburg, PA

President Trump went to Chicago first...  I saw that one too and no, he didn't just walk out!  He finished it and won, he won against the vicious tongue lashing from the start!  The boss knew how to handle that crowd too!  The only good interviewer, was the woman in the orange suit.  He even shook hands after words.  

They were short for time because, they made President Trump wait around a half an hour!  They were doing that on purpose, I'm sure of it!  Yeah faulty equipment.  Right!

Then he went to the that place where, "I feel, was where a planned assassination was done!  Prove me wrong!  An innocent man died and two others had to be hospitalized.  

It was a beautiful time for many last night.  A healing.  They were there when the planned shooting, to kill our President Donald J. Trump, took place.  That is what losers do when they can't win.  They cheat, they try and jail their opponent and when that doesn't happen, they try and kill him.  Despicable losers from hell!  

MAGA folks don't run away and hide!  Most of us didn't comply with the commies!  That pisses them off.  They're all angry, horrible people, in this current administration!  They show their true colors on a daily bases.  

Well done today, by President Donald J. Trump!  WHAT A PACKED PLACE!  WITHOUT SATANIC TWERKING!   I didn't watch that filth!  I read about how most people, were there for the show and then they started leaving.  You see this is the difference.  MAGA folks have more class!  MAGA folks, are the ones that will save the USA!  

I really do wish the dummies would wake the hell up!  President Donald J. Trump will be in office and maybe they will come around.  Ah but a jackass never will.

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