Friday, August 09, 2024

The last Democrat RFK Jr. | The Roseanne Barr Podcast #60

I am still voting for President Donald J. Trump!  He knew and now he knows even more!  Socialist, commie, Marxists have no right being in our country!  

There are a lot of dumbass women and people of color out there, that don't really give two shits on real issues!  They pick the stupidest people, because they tell you what you want to hear or they are the sex and the color!  Constitution, American values be damn!  

Yeah, I got an A in psychology and sociology!  Not in writing obviously.  I question people, that question me and talk calmly.  One hour in the room with me, I guarantee you, they will start to feel uncomfortable, soon wanting to be throwing things, or get up and say something really dumb, storming off.  How?  By confronting them!  Never give up on who you are!  These idiots try to break you!  Most of them are godless jerks!  But oh, how they want to throw in religion.  "That's so you forget the hear and now time frame of an argument."  They try all kinds of things.  Yes, I am a Christian.  I can recognize evil too!

I love the part where Jesus goes into town throwing tables in the village.  For me it says, YES!  Dumbasses wake up!  He is angry because, of all the souls that will be lost.   Waking up people, is hard.  The ones that don't want to wake up, need their tables turned on them, with TRUTH!

You see drugs messed RFK jr. up, listen to the whole show.   Interesting.  I don't hate RFK jr.  I just don't agree with democrats, socialists, commies, Marxists and dumbass RINO republicans.  

I feel the democrat party was always dysfunctional, just look at the family and you get your answers.  Buddhism is not recognized by God!  For he is a jealous God, there shall be no other!  Better pick up that Bible and read.  Man is in for a fall.

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