Saturday, August 31, 2024

President Trump in Las Vegas

President Donald J. Trump did help many!  The fake news won't tell you that part of him!   NYC forgot how President Donald J. Trump, took over the skating ring, rebuilt it for less and it was done right!  He has done more than we know....  

We have the idiots out there saying President Donald J. Trump, was born with a silver spoon?  What better man to have, with the wealth to beat the corrupt swamp, we have now!  My question is... How in the hell did Bernie get so many mansions, without working a day in his life, how did the Biden's crime family get all their wealth... How about those Clintons?  The Bush family was in the oil business ...hmmmm?  

More news will be coming out about everyone soon.  This is why they went after President Donald J. Trump!  Fake news censoring conservatives, will be coming to an end soon!  I sure was blocked all over the f'n place!  TRUTH, will set you all free.  Have faith in number one!  That is our one and only Lord and Savior!  We do have God working behind the scene.  It's that obvious to me.  He even has had enough!

I was blocked at least 35-40 times on fakebook!  I would just come on to share my garden and got blocked!  What for showing healing herbs?  I deleted my account!  Friends and family have my number.  They call and email me if they care!  I gained conservative sites, like TRUTH, Rumble, X brought us back on thank you Elon!  Now I see what is happening to youtube...  interesting...  I'm betting my blog is still being hushed, by the algorithm dictator crazy type junkies...  

I never cared about popularity, however, I have a right to say, what I want to!  I WILL!  The 2020 election was rigged!  COVID was real, the dictators were the issues, on the poison not tested, jabs!  MASKS DON'T WORK YOU DUMMIES!  We never complied!  I know first hand coming from commie Washington State, the vote cheating, hurting of ma and pa businesses!  Summer of BULLSHIT!  The trap set for the MAGA crowd in DC... That is when we decided we had enough of the commie Marxist regime! 

Voting because of color or woman?  😳😜You're all nuts and deserve one another!

I see Pfizer is peddling their poison to take...  NO THANK YOU!  Ivermectin worked.  If you see people getting cancer, dropping dead...  No not monkey pox, or anything else but from those jabs!  Fake dr. Antony Fauci needs to be in prison, or worse!  That scarf bitch, Deborah Brix, needs to be in a cell next to him!  That is one thing I didn't understand, when President Trump had them on so damn much!  Didn't work with me honey!  Stop listening to those swamp things!!  That's what I was thinking.  I was doing the research! 

This will be my third time, along with my husband's vote, for President Donald J. Trump!   Oh and for the Karens out there...  No I convinced my husband to vote for President Donald J. Trump!  He like me are VERY CONSERVATIVE!  

We also will be voting NO, for legalizing pot!  FLORIDA ROCKS!  Socialist, commie, Marxist, STAY THE HELL AWAY!  We don't want you here!  In fact, y'all need to leave the USA and take your little criminal illegals with you!  We are sick of your shit!

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