Thursday, August 08, 2024

Trump Took A Bullet For Us!

 Walz resigned soon as he knew he had to go and fight!  Well, so much for valor!  Boys and men have tampon machines in their bathrooms thanks to Walz.  "Tampon Tim" is an appropriate name!  

I just love my new friends... Women for Trump!  Also Thanks Elon for getting me back on X!  I knew you would see the light!  Took long enough!  👍😂😂😂  ah but you still have some flunkies working there.   In time...  Looking forward to hearing you and Trump on Monday!  Remember to put God first!

I have only lived in Florida three years and already, it feels like I have always been here!  Good people all around me, and on line.  I keep meeting people in real life everyday.  Today I went for a massage and met a Texan.  They live nearby!  I like meeting people, so much better than on line.  I don't do well on line.  My guard is up and ready to fight when I'm on line.  I enjoy the memes, but then I don't do that much.  Just mouth off and share basically.  

I'm so glad that I'm a person that can think for myself, but it's refreshing to see people are feeling the same way I am.  If we didn't leave Washington State I think I would have been in prison!  

"No!  I won't!  You can wipe your ass with that mask you commie asshole!"  Yep!  Thats what would happen every time when out!  

Took my dog to the vet and didn't wear one.  The guy knows me.  It was the last time for my girl to get shots before moving.  He asked if I was afraid of COVID?  I said, oh hell no!  He gave me a hug.  Not everyone there is a dummy!  I never got the jab, so I could no longer volunteer at a local place.  They shot themselves in the foot on that policy.   

Yep, nothing to stay for, in a place of fear and delusional, mixed in with hate.  It appeared everyone was afraid of the nazi regime gov., accept me!  You know "Walz" the new VP pick had a tattle on your neighbor hot line, in his state.  The socialist commie Marxist showing real strong with him!  

It was nice to come to Florida, where I didn't have to put up with the bullshit!  Of course country people know better.  Glad we chose up North to live.  I did my homework.  Hubby did too!  In fact we were looking on line and found a house at the same time!  Great minds!

Stuck hubby on a plane, to claim the house!  FaceTime and all!  We had just sold and had to be out of the house September 2nd.  Perfect!  Signed on the 10th, our furniture arrived on the 11th!  Just a 4 days drive and a fabulous place, my pup was happy at, for the few days of waiting.  We explored Florida.  We love the Gulf and high enough from the floods.  There are drainage fields where we live with acreage.   Heehaw!  I'm back in my Indiana roots, kinda feeling!  I had climbed everything there was to climb in WA., it was time to enjoy a more familiar lifestyle.  

Had my spa treatment "in which we are friends now too."  It's a beautiful day, God has blessed us and we hope and pray the country will heal, the scales washed from peoples eyes and get back to our culture!  IN GOD WE TRUST and the Constitution of the USA not some weak kneed socialist, commie, marxist ideology!  We already fought that in the Civil War!  We don't need another one!  Put God first everyday!  America needs to keep the freedoms it was based on, not to strip people of their rights!  Especially the first and second!  without the first you don't have the second!  

I feel we have evil demons at work, on both sides of the isle and it will be met with truth and logic!  Corruption will flourish when good men do nothing!  Let's pray for something!  In Gods name I pray!

Meanwhile...  I repotted my rainbow eucalyptus tree.  They grow in Hawaii.  I see no reason why they can't grow here.  My brother gave me some seeds in March.  I put some of these real tiny seeds in one pot for him and one for me.  His are doing really good too!  He's on acreage here now too.  First year here and he needed some trees.  He knows my luck so was hopping I would grow them for him.  Once it was safe to hand them over to him, he was happy!  They are about 7 in. tall now.  The bark is what is amazing but you really can't see it that well in the picture.  

It's growing just like my ice cream banana trees are.  This is them, last January.

This was taken this morning.

Someday I'll even have fruit!  First winter will be in the courtyard.  We shall see.  I know that the tree comes back if frost hits it, when that happens it's just a plant without the fruit.  I'm going to baby these things and they will have protection in the courtyard.  They hate wind too.  Time will tell.

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