Saturday, August 24, 2024

That Is Exactly How They Got Away With It!

By a woman "Kamala" that has nothing.  No policies, no interviews, no debates, only smoke and mirrors, and balloons in a highly produced Chicago circus.  Also as RFK Jr.  Stated.  "Who needs a policy when you have Trump to hate?"  

How do they choose a candidate that doesn't do interviews or debate?  Easy.  They did it by weaponizing the government agencies.  They did it by abandoning democracy.  They did it by suing the opposition and by disenfranchising American voters.  

I was blocked all over the place....  Thank you RFK Jr.  For also mentioning, censorship and media control and weaponization of the Federal agency's.   Frankly I am aware of algorithms and silencing my blog.  They are still doing it.  I know I have more than 2K seeing my stuff and I share to conservative sites.  The left hate my comment section, because I can control it.  

This endorsement was a good thing.  We need our country back!

Some said voting because Kamala is a woman?  Well we have many in Government more capable than her!  She is a slap in the face to us American, God fearing women.  Her hate for life is one of them!  Look!  You can do what ever you want with your body it's true.  I am not the one that will be answering to God, nor do I wan't my tax dollar to pay for your roll in the hay!  To me it's funding murder!  

Because Kamala is a woman?  What an embarrassment!  

Thank you RFK Jr.


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