Friday, January 28, 2022

Yes It Sure Is!

In God's hand's!  Some of us will do better than others will.  It will be because of God.  We all have a part to play in his plan.  Some will blossom when that time comes and others will be revealed of what they truly are!  I can't judge that, but I can have speculation.  I have that gift!  We all do.  

You know my favorite part in the bible is where Jesus goes off in the village and throws the tables over in anger.  That is about where I am with some people.  I'm like really you fall for that crap?  It pains me to see so many stupid scamming people out there!  I'm not just calling out the ones calling on the phone or coming on fakebook saying they want to be your friend either!  As you know I am pretty much done with social media!  Blogging is more fun for me.  I know some will read it. I'm not looking for friends at this point.  I know who they are!  I also am not interested in the drama of others, roller coasters make me ill.  It isn't good for my health either!

Like I said it is in Gods hands.  However, I get to call out a few out there that try to control others.  Honey it doesn't work with me!  I will do and say as I please!  After all you do!  So will I!  

The asshat biden is my biggest enemy right now, along with all the other loony tunes out there!  I am warning you!  Don't tell me not to talk about evil!  IT NEEDS TO BE EXPOSED!  I am elderly!  YOU DON'T GET TO ABUSE ME, MY VOICE, OR MY CHOICE!  It won't work!  

May I suggest you look at your own life.  We can get along, but you need to understand something with me!  I know more than what I show!  I'm not into stupid!  I know I can't save the world.  God can though.  I try to avoid toxic evil forces that sometimes work through people.  They sometimes are not aware.  I pick it up pretty well though.  You don't get to tell me what to do!

Yep Jesus is my best friend.  Always will be!  All I have to do is look at my life.  He has removed me from toxic people and places.  He is that amazing!  Even when someone pisses me off.  He is right there... dcat really?  Go change your wording, I think they know you are upset!  They are going to learn, watch me work.  I say ok, but I am the one still on Earth dealing with stupid!  I'm sure he is smiling.  I still need to figure it out on my own.  Freedom is never free and as individuals, we need to keep fighting for it!  Meanwhile trusting in him the Father Almighty!  

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