Monday, January 03, 2022

Did I Give Up On Trump?


I am getting so tired of all the emails "did you give up on Trump"....  How stupid to be asking that question!  How about, "do you feel the voting system is corrupt?"  

I don't think I, will ever get over the fact that we were duped into submission, by the socialist commies!  I am having a hard time, thinking our military are falling in lock step with tyrants!  They need to be arrested and .....  If I say it...  

Here we are, putting up with all the bullshit!  How do you think I feel?  Well, I am happy, I am not in Washington State with insanely Inslee!  I truly believe, that God removed us from a toxic area!  People I knew there, in the neighborhood were showing signs, of going along with the jab!  Even the fact they were conservative!  Threatened by family members?  I don't know, but I know for a fact I would have disowned anyone telling me, what I need to do!  I do think for myself!  I also do research on my own.  I also do a lot of praying.  Deliver us from evil!  I find even when Trump was in office that Fucky and the scarf wearing thing, are not correct!  I saw evil!  Didn't have to watch anyone else telling me that!

I am a difficult person to get to know.  I notice the fine line when someone is trying to get too close.  I realize, once that happens you lose who you are.  I really never went along with certain situations.  That action by me, tends to push people away.  You know I'm fine with that!  All I need is God.  I know, I am never alone.  I don't know what it is, but people like to control and I don't like it!  The relationship will be short lived when that happens.  

There is so much crap out there!  I am staying away from big cities.  It must be in their drinking water.  These people don't care about anyone but themselves!  They become the glorified, sometimes very well paid gestapo!  I immediately think the groups like antifa/blm.  I also saw that happening in the outlining neighborhoods!  Yes, the BLM signs popping up!  People running across the street, practically beating their chest on "I got the shot".  What was I supposed to do with that comment?  Total shock, is how I felt!  They are selling fear and most bought it!  Panic, almost set in with me at that point.  I can't seem to reach these people.  What I had to say makes no never mind!  Yet I am expected to play along!  My right to not go along, is now somehow threatening?  The enemy thinks this is all going to be easy, for them to take over.  

Not so fast!  I will use a Martin Luther King quote: "Judge a man not by the color of his skin, but by the content of his character." Those of us left, will have to fight!  No one else is relating, to what is going on here, based on history.  Unbelievable!  

My understanding is, that many are just staying quiet for the opportune moment.  I know the enemy is phishing right now on line.  Quite a few of us, are on to them.   It is driving them all nuts, how I am ignoring the noise.  

Everyday I get on and see who is screaming the loudest.  I shake my head and have a nice conversation with God.  He said that some things never change.  You are prosecuted my child.  You know what you have to do.  Yes, I do because, I know prayers work!  Lies will die and so will they.  


TRUMP 2024!  If not before that!  Bring on the tribunals of truth against the tyrants!    

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