Friday, January 14, 2022

They Are Sick Donald Trump Jr

Your dad said that these people are sick, Donald Jr!  I am banned on twit for life, a week before he "your dad, our best President ever" was!  I'm surprised you are still on!  Being off of Fake Book is what I fight!  The only ones there, are now the clueless that want to remain that way!  People that need to be told everything, because they can't think for themselves!  

I was blocked by the commies so many times, that I couldn't count all the blocks, there was so many!  Yet others stayed on?  WTF is that all about?  I am not about to kiss anyones back side, to be able to stay on a sick and demented service like that!  Most just do family stuff...  Well if the family cared that much they would be calling, emailing, texting, here is a concept "visiting"!   You have scammers out there now!  Real dumbasses that think they are ...  Well these people hate me and its too bad for them!  I DON'T CARE!  I know when I am over a target!

I tell you if someone tries to come to me and unconstitutionally, tells me something stupid, I will correct them!!  Or let them blabber on because honey, I am that damn stubborn!  I know when I am right!

Pedophilia is truly sick!  There is no better way to say it!  Satan has these peoples minds, hearts, and bodies!  BTW CNN with all the leftist news media, has been fake news from day one!  The left think it's just fine!  They all eat that sh*t for breakfast lunch and dinner!  They still crow about Kamala never mind she got where she is today being on her BACK!  She is the stupidest thing along with AOC and others!! 

If the left are so happy ass to have a black woman in office why aren't they behind a DECENT black woman like Candace Owens then?  Because, they aren't for decency!  They keep thinking people that are poor little criminals, they need a break, while good people should be condemned!  Thats the left for you! 

People that lived the life with Epstein and Maxwell in it, need to be put down like the rabid dogs that they are!  

Let's move on to the COVID issue!

You know this is a real virus!  Why aren't they letting people know about HQ, ivermectin, taking vitamins like zinc, D, C... Eating right ...  People dying of underlining health issues....  Where is the f'n truth?  Hidden that is where!  I knew this was horse sh*t from day one!  Other wise they would have informed the proper way of wearing masks and having hazmat containers!  You need to constantly change them you know!  This to me is so stupid!  ALL OF IT, that they all peddle.  Like I said when I was asked to make masks with the uninformed friends and neighbors I had to laugh at them!  Eventually to move the hell away!  Now people are turning on one another over CHOICE?  Oh and hey dumbass!  Killing a child is not YOUR CHOICE!  Such stupidity out there!  UGH!

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