Monday, March 25, 2024

You Know Who They Are!

 I found out long ago, that there are some people, so envious of you, that they can't stand it!  They have the whole world revolving around themselves, so they think!  You really don't exist, to them.  Sometimes, it's because the world is too busy for them sometimes.  I know the difference!

I once worked with someone that looked at my 401K.  I also had an IRA I started when I was 21.  I didn't put too much into the 401K until I knew it would be matched.  By the time 401K came along I was well invested by over 10 years.  The 401K had to be built up.  Once I retired I rolled it into my IRA.  They were no longer matching me, so why stay in it.  

The thing that burned my ass, was this person "co-worker" knowing what I had!  Isn't that against policy?  I let it go till she confronted me!  How in the hell was this person able to see?  I did snap at that fact!  She was angry, because I sold before everything dropped in price.  I didn't lose anything.  In fact I made money.  I then said, gee was I supposed to tell you what I was doing?  I mean really now!  I did take it up with the ones in charge.  I got an apology but not from her!  That should have never have happened!

I figured I would start buying when things were the lowest again.  It's all a gut feeling with me.  I never, ever, told anyone what to do, nor did they tell me.  Ah well, you lose friendships either way, I found that out.  They can't be happy for you, ever!  This tells me how miserable they really are.

Also that other party has a lot to do with it.  Now the ones that "used to be in that party" they don't change.  They were brought up that way.  They will always be liberals!  Then they seem to blame you for having more, or having better...  Oh if I had that much I would do... blah de blah, blah...  It's really crazy how these people think! 

Anyway even people on line you have to watch.  I don't get close with anyone anymore.  You can't!  They are too busy building themselves up.  They don't care about you, just like this corrupt government right now doesn't care about you.  I guess I will just have to continue going on with my life and enjoying the things I do have and be thankful to God for it.  He is the biggest one in charge, and really the only one that counts.

I posted this little thing on line, because it's my TRUTH to what I see, in quite a lot of people.  That is the real scary shit to me!  People are starting to turn.  It's not going to be pretty unless you see it and address it!  Bye, bye freedom!

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