Saturday, March 02, 2024

Killing Babies, Is Murder!

 I don't get the left at all.  How in the world can they think children are cute and adorable, yet they promote killing them?  Babies are Gods gifts!  God's gifts, that Satan loves to destroy!  Satan hates God's creation of man!  God created all of us!  He knew me, before I came into the world.  Satan want's to destroy that bond some of us have.

As for rape?  Well isn't it the left, that are against law and order?  Aren't they the ones condemning the police?  Crying that some criminals, didn't have the same up bringing?   Oh but they did!  God gave man free will!  Choices are always mans.  Thou shall not kill!  Just happens to be Gods rule.  Isn't that like the first commandment?  Nobody said life was to be easy.   Look what Christ had to go through, to save our souls!  May I suggest, that people crack open a Bible!  Read it!

I knew a person that was raised by a wonderful young woman that was raped.  That child, stuck around to help her in her old age!  Even gave her grandchildren to enjoy!  My sister-in-law was adopted,  I also have a niece.  I am really convinced, that left leaning people are full of the devil, along with the hate for humanity.  Those are the ones Satan got to.  They hate so much, I feel those left leaning people can never be happy!

Also our country was founded on God given laws.  Our government was to only serve and protect.  People that served had a short term and went back to their jobs they had before.  It wasn't meant to be turned into a life long business, with the attitude of the hell with the American people!  We will just take their taxes and give ourselves raises!  They opened the border to replace us, I feel.  They want slavery back!  The left are that damn dumb not to see it!  Useful idiots, thats what they all are!  They have no idea that their president now and every one they voted and supported, really don't care about them either!  

Man will be lovers of themselves.  

A left leaning person, never made any sense.  Not to me!  They feel those of us that worked hard for what we have, are the enemy.  Those of us that invested, have a bigger home, have land and saved for a rainy day are bad?  Talk about control freaks!

The left, feel they can protest, but conservative leaning people can't?  Why is that fair?  Obviously they don't have eyes to see and ears to hear.  They despise Gods laws, obviously.  Trying so hard, to make evil look good and moral.  Saying it's their right?  That is when they will find out it causes destruction!  Destruction of family values, handed by God.  I see churches are now being corrupted too!  Time to crack open those Bibles people!   FYI God is science!  

Ok...  Class dismissed.  Till next time.

Now I want to share flower pictures that I grew from the past!  God's gifts!  ENJOY!  Starting with Mr. Lincoln...

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