Sunday, May 21, 2023

There Are So Many Miserable People Out There

 Take this FedEx person that delivered my beautiful plants!  The ones, that I paid my hard earned money for!  Sad, that he or she hates their job, and themselves, for not having pride in a job!  I guess he or she thinks, everything needs to be handed to him or her on a silver plater, and doesn't have to work for it.  

You know if I acted like this fool at my job I would have been fired!  I think when people are fired they shouldn't get anything from the government!  CEO's, DNS's etc... not doing their job need to be fired too!  I turned their asses in!  I was about to retire anyway!  Anyone that can't keep a place running properly and stocked well with clients or people need to be let go!  They hurt the business, as well as the people they are supposed to serve!

The FBI is no exception!  They are hurting the American people!  It's obvious that the FBI, CIA and every other government entity, are doing criminal activity!  This is a disservice to the tax paying American people!  Too bad it took the whistleblowers this long to come forward!  Being threatened is a crime too!  Who are the ones that were threatening?  They threatened the conservatives and people of God now for a very long time!  With well paid thugs in the media!

Any government that can destroy the constitutional law should be fired!  Then tried for TREASON!  We the people need to get busy on that!  If our plea is ignored, that is a good indication the ones in charge need to be jailed!  That goes for any asshat that want's to take your right to defend yourself against criminals!  Hell, the cops won't be there to save you at that moment!  You will see how fast people will behave after that!  It does have a way with keeping criminals in check!  Too bad for you if you don't see that fact!

A corrupt government, wants its people to be enslaved!  Haven't you figured that out yet?  Pay close attention to the news they feed you!  Look at the lavish lifestyle while they told you to stay home and mask up!  Didn't Pelosi go to the beauty shop for her hair to be done with out a mask?  didn't you notice the lavish parties by the dems and some republicans?  Do I have to keep knocking you in the head or what!!  They never cared about you peasants!  

That constitution was written for a reason!  No you don't get to disarm a law abiding citizen!  The rights belong to me to protect against foreign and domestic!  To protect myself or a loved one!  NO YOU CAN'T HAVE MY GUNS!  Under the law I can come after you though, in a court of law for my RIGHTS!  Oh and any lawyer, or misleading of the jury, and or taking a bribe needs to be disbarred and also held for TREASON!   

The Forefathers knew the corruption very well!  Now the media needs to be held for treason too!  Journalist that refuse to post the truth need to be criminally held!  Ignoring facts are no different than a lie!  

Remember, scrubbing the evidence is tampering with justice!  Right Hillary?  Moving down the street from the White House Obama?  Why?  I know why and so does everyone else that have been watching very close!  You know your buddy George Soros can't step foot into Hungary.  Gee I wonder why!!  I do know!  Many know the truth!  

Under God For Liberty And Justice For All!  Y'all can pack up your little commie groups like blm, lbgtq... antifa cronies and get ready to be taken on the MAGA folks!  

Us MAGA aren't the ones destroying race!  Many in this movement are of color!  Us MAGA support the family unit that God has blessed us with, not to tear down with perversion!  Us MAGA folks didn't burn down buildings of cities, or destroy and manipulate a rally like was done with J6!  With the corrupted help of the FBI+antifa!  "Pelosi" What are y'all afraid of?  Really!  To find how dishonest you were to the American people?  WE KNOW AND YOU HAVE EVERY RIGHT TO BE AFRAID!  Oh BTW God knows everything too!

Update on my plants...

They are all thriving and doing just fine!  No kudos to the FedEx loser that can't do his or her job!  Just like the mongrels in this administration right now!

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