Wednesday, September 04, 2024

Truth Conquers

Hope you're right JP!  However, there are some out there still stuck on false media handouts...  Heaven knows I try!  They're still out there lost, or they think we are still wrong.  I guess we will just have someone to blame when living will be under dictatorship and communist rules.  Some of us in the gulag!  

Can't believe I was censored right here in the USA!  Just because, I refused the jab or to mask.  I knew COVID was going to be used, for a form of control!  That is exactly what this administration is wanting to do!  They will be just fine though because they are the elite!

When there is a shooting guess what...  They don't care about the ones shot or killed!  "BTW they had a warning before it happened!"  These people that want your rights, are for abortion, murdering babies!  They don't give a hoot about life!  It's about total control over you!  These people look to further their narrative!  They don't want your right to protect yourself!  They want your guns!  That is how totalitarianism is done!  

They fear, "We The People."  Remember the second amendment is for defending against enemies, foreign or domestic!  They are going against our Constitution of the USA, which means, they are committing treason!  Who else jailed their political opponent... Anyone, anyone...  

I know the dummying down started in the 60's, with commie hippy flowers and drugs!  I was raised the right way and told, what was being done to young people.  Even back then!  

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