Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Tucker Carlson, RFK Jr, and Larry Elder React to Second Trump Shooting

I never go along with everything.  My dad died when I was 6.  I miss him, remember him, loved him to the moon and back!  I was his little girl.  The hard truth is, if he would have lived, I would have been a spoiled little idiot!  Now, I'm just an old lady idiot, with a blog.  

Life!  It forced me to work hard and I didn't do bad!  You need to have God in your life, otherwise you will always have nothing.  You may think you are doing well.  You will always be missing a key reason why you are here, without God.  Arrogance and pride, is your fall.  

I don't believe in making excuses for no one.  However, I am seeing candy ass men in the world now.  Soulless too!  That is the real issue.  Women you are nothing without a man!  Men you are nothing without a woman.  It is a team effort!  

It's amazing how a 15sec. roll in the hey, forgets about a possible life that could have been made.  How can you kill that human?  Why should my tax dollar pay for something that I don't believe in?  It's all about them.  Have your abortion!  There are plenty of doctors.  Pay cash and they will do it.  I have seen it!  That is your sin!  Do NOT bring me along to hell with you!  

There are more important things in life to vote for, that will benefit the real American Dream!  You just have to work for it and hope the hell you don't vote in, a selfish commie group!  Just like what we have now in this administration!  They want to take it all away from you and control you!  Think!  You're an idiot too, just in another form.  I know Trump is being used by God.  

It's amazing to me, all the criminals that Jesus picked for his apostles.  Ever think of that?  Maybe you should pick up a bible and read it.  It's the top news that is happening right now.  

Trump is a David!  In the old testament, Saul tried to kill him several times.  God didn't allow it.  We still have hope for our country, it's time to pray for everyone.  Because the devil knows  the bible better than any scholar out there.  It really is a spiritual war.  Take yourself out of the flesh and see what is in play.  More will be shown.  But the demons control the evil and the news fed to you is false. 

I remember the 60's like it was yesterday...  RFK Jr. is correct about quite a bid.  He is standing with President DJT too.  Remember President Donald J. Trump was a democrat at one time.  I'm thinking like most business people.  They play both sides, because they want them to support business.  I knew a woman I worked for that owned her own nursing homes.  She got me politically involved.  It was interesting.  Something that your average person doesn't realize.  

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