Saturday, September 14, 2024

Julie Kelly Drops BOMBSHELL, Exposes Kamala January 6th LIE at Debate | ...

People aren't buying the bull poop by 0Kamala!  Or any of them!  Trump was called a criminal, soon as he was nominated President in 2016 because, President Donald J. Trump wasn't a member of of the elitist criminals in our Government.  

Their panic is showing.  Soon the public is about to find out.  We will see shock in people, they will still deny it, because to them it will be hard to swallow.  

I knew about the corruption in our government with two Kennedy's being murdered.  I don't agree with a lot of RFK Jr.  However he knows plenty too.  Remember I am really far right so, it did bother me to see what was happening.  It was more of a club.  No outsiders are welcome to the elitist club.  President Donald J. Trump, once loved "a democrat" at one time.   President Donald J. Trump was now running as a Republican and even, the elite criminal Republicans, were feeling threatened!  

Oh people know.  The awakening is going slowly.  Hence the distraction by the one, in charge of the border, Kamala let in unvetted, some being criminals to cause disruption, then have it denied by more paid off governors, and media.  Perfect crime of a country take over.  They aren't going to stop either.  This will be hurting the American people and they don't care!  They were also trying to pit us against each other.   Just another tactic of Stalin, I might add, mixed with a little Hitler.  It's all in the art of war and a take over.  

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