Sunday, September 01, 2024

Afghanistan Gold Star Family Reveals Dark Reason Joe & Kamala Skipped Ma...

Sad, because, I know someone that had a father in WW2.  He was stationed in Hawaii!  Yet, that person thinks Harris is just wonderful and so is Walz.  I would be ashamed of them!  That person I used to know, has no clue that the democrat party, is not the same party and neither is the Republican party.  

I have my vote going for President Donald J. Trump for the 3rd time, since 2020 was stollen!  I'm happy RFK Jr. is supporting him and wow Tulsi Gabbard!  Another democrat!  The smart ones are abandoning ship!  

I was told, when I was young, that this country will have to continue to fight against socialism, communism and Marxists.  Didn't think I would be seeing it happening in my time, so quickly!  

You know that dictators always had their opponents arrested on bogus charges.  The sheeple are so brainwashed.  They didn't pay attention to history it seems.  I did though!  First thing they want to do is pit the people against each each other, control the food source, disarm the people...  I may have this order messed up.  I still know the art of war.   People are starting to find out!  The commies didn't count on us, to be the news.  They tried to block us, and still are trying!  I was up till after 3 am!  Seeing the sneaky, leftist news posts.  They are there too, trying like mad to divert, all that was researched!  

I'm a perfect proof and witness, to being censored!  I was blocked shadow banned you name it!  Elon got me back on though without asking.  I was told, I was blocked for life!  People told me at TRUTH social to go try again...  Wow, and a sorry this happened to you on X.  At first I was angry, then I realized.  There are good people starting to take over!  You know, Elon, is from South Africa.  He loves the USA!  Sorry, he had to move his company, from Commie California.  He had to though.  They would have disrupted his company.  

Elon stated last night, on X, that there is a good indication that some of the employees at X, are still there working from Brazil?  Their dictator wants to shut X down.  He can only do it to his people though.  I feel for them, but they had the nerve to say they would imprison and arrest us, for free speech?  I thought of the good witch, in the Wizard of Oz.  Oh be gone you have no power here!  

It's getting stranger by the day!  Communist regimes do that!  My uncles that served and  brother that have passed are rolling in their graves, with these poor Gold Star family members soldiers, that were killed!  Killed, because of  incompetence, right from this administration!  Still we have dummies out there that don't see it with Harris signs, in their yard!  At least not here in our area!  

Yes, Trump is on every flag pole with the American flag above it!  I really did my research on the areas, in all of Florida.  My husband did too!  It was a riot how we said to each other, "You have to see this place!"  It was the same house, I had found!  I still can't get over that!  God is great!

We are keeping the Gold Star Families in our prayers.  Sorry the country let them all down!  We are still fighting a war.  A war of good verses evil!  I have faith in God.  

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