Monday, September 16, 2024

MEDIA Is Trying, That Is All!

Laura Loomer does a great job!  Always!  They are smearing all MAGA too.  Which by the way means Make America Great Again.  What the hell is their problem?  They are satanic godless souls!  

We will armor up!

Do enjoy and learn something!   LINK

Sunday, September 15, 2024

All Of Us Got The Memo.

Updates....  Make sure to check back now ya hear!

Thats our President!  

This is our governor!  YES!  You know what they did to Ted Bundy here in Florida....  Just saying!

The let the fight begin!  WE KNOW!


Charlie Kirk: Christian Values Under Attack, JFK’s Death, & How Trump Ch...


He Said What We Are All Thinking

The Satanic Will Try.

 Well, the cornered rats are so desperate now that, they will again cause more chaos.  Be ready for it.  The what's left of the viewers watching the rag tag media right now, are the only ones left.  They're losing badly.  More and more videos and proof is being stored up for them.  All they have is the word "racists"

Thank you Cat for that reminder to get me going!  I used to be blocked for being so blunt!  Another thing the little Hitlers / Stalin hate is free speech.  Changing laws as they go along, telling you, you're wrong shut up!  If that doesn't work, it's the gulag for you or worse!  All one has to do is to look what they are doing to President Donald J. Trump!

President Donald J. Trump was so well liked by all that condemn him now.  Soon as he ran.  He was not liked anymore.  That should have opened up eyes on both sides of the isle.  If you were honest and godly enough to see it.  Yes, my poor republican husband and I, had a discussion.  Didn't take us long, especially all the corruption that I personally knew about.  

Yes blocked again, naturally...  Sounds like an old song.  I already felt like this was not America anymore or it was sure feeling that way in 2009!  The blocking came later.  Off and on, the worst being blocked on twitter a week before President Trump!  Fakebook was useless to me too.  I'm so sick of people telling me, after I deleted it from my life, "I have family and it's the shopping in the community...."  Never mind, that they are against your rights!  There are other ways.  No, you have an addiction I always say!  

I'm not on constantly.  It doesn't take me long to find out what is going on.  I know who is lying ...  No the bad economy isn't Trumps fault it is the current administration that has been appointed for the last 3 1/2 years!  I call her 0kamala with her VP pick flamboyant Tampon Tim!  Honestly, look what he did to his state!  Yes tampon's in the mens room?  ...ok?  He is a pervert!  There is your mental illness for the day folks!

I have been to the islands.  I was on a locals boat.  "A Christian" I liked talking with him.  He pointed out to me the island.  He said people go there and never come back!  I said what people?  He said many young and some children.  That is all I needed to hear!  I asked why is it being allowed?  We need to go there and rescue them!  He looked at me like, ok.  You first!  Then he laughed and said you wouldn't be alive if you did.  Armed guards.  I could see them!  Wow!

Let's talk about Ebstein's Island shall we...  "Blood Libel was being done!" Soon as he was murdered, in his cell.  The FBI sure cleaned that island of documented papers and hard drives real quick!  Yes, Ebstein had something on everyone.  All accept President Donald J. Trump.  He knows.  The hit on him was in fact an inside job!  Prove me and many others, wrong!

I could go on...  Just look at my X to Cat, I was let back on by Elon.  There are still flunkies working there, not all are being caught yet.  That is my opinion.  I really don't care about popularity.  That would mean work.  I did enough in my life!  Most of these people are younger LOL.  I don't want it.  What I do want though is a few good people and our country back!  Under God of course!  BTW those other satanic statues of Baal in this country, need to be demolished!

On line, I just go and share all the ones I can trust.  Cat, is one of them shit posters, that I enjoy.  He was in the military and a musician and rescues animals.  Keeps saying he is old .... No Cat I am!  LOL...  

Then we have our resilient strong President Donald J. Trump showing us all up!  

We have to keep backing President Donald J. Trump, because he knows what's happening.  I'm sure even more than all of us know.  We are finding out!  It's going to shock the world!  The people on both sides will be in for a shock.  I am just one that is beyond shocked.  I already knew.  Seeing it happening years ago.  I still say the 60's was, the start of dummying down.  The big hippy flowers were the symbol of communism to me.  The colors didn't even match and they were ugly!  I guess you had to be high or something to think they were lovely.  Nope! go against God...  I hate when that happens... Yes blood libel!

Saturday, September 14, 2024

ABC News RIGGED Debate | Trump SHOCKS WORLD with Interview Claim!

I already know about President Donald J. Trump and that is why I'm voting for him....  See my last post.  "LINK"

Julie Kelly Drops BOMBSHELL, Exposes Kamala January 6th LIE at Debate | ...

People aren't buying the bull poop by 0Kamala!  Or any of them!  Trump was called a criminal, soon as he was nominated President in 2016 because, President Donald J. Trump wasn't a member of of the elitist criminals in our Government.  

Their panic is showing.  Soon the public is about to find out.  We will see shock in people, they will still deny it, because to them it will be hard to swallow.  

I knew about the corruption in our government with two Kennedy's being murdered.  I don't agree with a lot of RFK Jr.  However he knows plenty too.  Remember I am really far right so, it did bother me to see what was happening.  It was more of a club.  No outsiders are welcome to the elitist club.  President Donald J. Trump, once loved "a democrat" at one time.   President Donald J. Trump was now running as a Republican and even, the elite criminal Republicans, were feeling threatened!  

Oh people know.  The awakening is going slowly.  Hence the distraction by the one, in charge of the border, Kamala let in unvetted, some being criminals to cause disruption, then have it denied by more paid off governors, and media.  Perfect crime of a country take over.  They aren't going to stop either.  This will be hurting the American people and they don't care!  They were also trying to pit us against each other.   Just another tactic of Stalin, I might add, mixed with a little Hitler.  It's all in the art of war and a take over.  

Michael Scott Has Created One of the Most Important Films of the Year | ...

Friday, September 13, 2024

LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Holds a Rally in Las Vegas, NV - 9/13/24

Trump Press Conference LIVE Right NOW after Judge NUKES Georgia Charges ...


Recap the week with CM September 13th

We are making fun of it and it's driving the left nuts.  Too bad it's the truth!  

Those poor people of Springfield Ohio!  Thank you Again Conservative Momma!

The Kiffness - Eating the Cats ft. Donald Trump (Debate Remix)

These Are The Ones That Blocked Me

 Good to see they are coming around!  FINALLY!  Hope the ones still with dumbass Kamala, see this!  These people were lied to and finally see!

Ah but some cling to stupid because they never were into politics but yet they keep voting stupid.  WATCH

Thursday, September 12, 2024

"The Red Pill is Adrenochrome" with Tom Althouse | The Roseanne Barr Pod...

FULL SPEECH: President Trump Delivers Remarks in Tucson, Arizona - 9/12/24

Ted Nugent Spirit Campfire 9.7.24 pt.3

Yep!  It's going to be a fight for our freedom!

FULL SPEECH: Gina Swoboda Speaks in Tucson, Arizona - 9/12/24

She was always a lier and cheat!  A home wrecker too!  That is what Kamala is!

When you talk to someone who only watches mainstream media

Harris is a lier and she was pretty smug.  Never mind she had other words coming into her ear...  People that do research know what Harris is!  

Nice job Conservative Momma!

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

How Disrespectful Of Them!

 Yeah they left!  Oh they care?  All for show Biden and Harris...  

At The 9-11 Ceremony!

NY Citizens  

In the video you hear them cry out to TRUMP!  This was fabulous.  Might as well call the election now a win for Trump!

It's 9-11 We Are Busy Fighting Lies Of Harris!

The video of the woman eating a cat is at this post LINK

They are hunting geese and they each had one!  LINK 


9-11 We Forgot!


I couldn't agree more with this post!  Over 20 years ago and we have fucking criminals in our government now!

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Harris Undermines Americans Again!

 Does she think we are stupid?  We have information backed up and at our fingertips.  She thinks we don't do research and look things up?

WOW, Kamala!  You had so many lies!  

Here is the video of the woman eating a cat right from the police call....  LINK

There were so many lies!  I know for a fact she is pro Hamas!

You can't fool real American people!  Tell 0bama you lost tonight!  Tell him, the dreams of his old man isn't going to happen in America!  Go back to Kenya!  Hell!  Even his brother said he is voting for Trump!

You see why many of us were censored!  This is what socialist commie Marxist 3rd world dictators do!  They hide the truth from the people!  To me there were 3 against Trump last night.  She still lost!  People aren't stupid!

Flashback - Comrade Kamala

 We call her Chicken-mala. 

Sunday, September 08, 2024

They Tried Again To Silence Me.

 Here we go again.  YAWN!  If you can't see what is happening, then you are truly lost.  There are people doing videos now, on the street asking people randomly.  

One woman asked while walking, "who are you voting for?"  She said Trump.  She also stated she didn't like him, but sees what is going on with her party.  She said Kamala isn't capable of running the country.  She said, "also it's not about feelings, this is about what is happening to our country."  How refreshing to see and hear real news!  

I also realize, the people who aren't seeing this mess, are the people only listening to the paid by SOROS, et all news!  The people that aren't affected yet, won't see, unless it happens to them!  Or in their area.  They don't care.  Therefore they keep following dumb and dummer.

The criminal commies are still at X.  Elon is trying to find them all...  I was temporarily blocked again for free speech.  The Brazil nut commies taking over Brazil hate free speech.  They want to control, even an American platform!  I'm thinking now all the upset Brazilian people are beyond upset.  Praying for them and our nation right now, let's not forget Israel!  Palestinians killed those hostages, one being American!

Ok now, this is what happened to me AGAIN!  This is my second account thanks to Elon.  Still trying to find my old gang on line, and make damn good sure it's them!

First they did this to me.  

Oh but it was his family!  It was verified!  Maybe not all of the family true, but the picture was the family, with teeshirts WALZ FOR TRUMP!  I can't wait for that one brother to be interviewed!  I'm sure it will happen.  Not that it will be shown on CNN, NBC, MSNBC...  or  even FOX!  The traitors!  I hope Tucker does the interview.  I'll post it here too!

I only have the best, of the best, on my pages!  Even at TRUTH.  However, this censorship that happened to me, was happening at X.  They try to come on truth but we shut them down pretty fast.  We know they are there to upset free speech.  It's good to have each others, backs.  Like I said only the best of the best!

This person was at my original account.  I have them at Truth but not at X.  Like so many we are finding each other once again.  Asked them at TRUTH of why, I'm not seeing them on X?  Well, they got axed like I did too, by the controlling commies at twitter.  BTW we are connected again!  Same as for Jewels.  Fabulous pod casts from her!  I'll have to post tomorrow's episode, here tomorrow.  

This was Mother of Pearl I was seeing.  Try as I may, kept putting in her  address and nothing but the old...  I now have the new but look!  This is what they do to us!  It was still showing I was following form our old platforms... She was blocked later than me.  I was blocked a week before President Trump was.
Then this time happened to me, for I don't know what?  They won't tell you either!

Then Elons "good folks" took care of the problem.  Maybe they can try to block but there's a counter correct?  I have no idea how he has it set up but it works and I am back on!  

They try to do this to your people you like too...  I told people on X and yes it's good to do screen shots, when the children want to play with you!  PROOF!   Oh and Catturd always posts!  WTH? 😂

It's corrected now too!

I mean really!  I'm going on X, driving them all nuts again just for showing up and saying something.  Now, I will be sharing this all over the place!  I have proof not lying.  It's all backed up too!  Even a video, but I won't publicly share that one!  YET!  

KEEP IT UP DUMBASSES!  The more you do the more we have on y'all!  

Shit!  I'm retired!!  I'll still do my part!  Dumbass mongrels!  😂😂😂

Today's hot mess of reality from X:  What have I been preaching on this blog about party?  You will soon find out the traitors to both!  It depends if you are for American RIGHTS and OUR CONSTITUTION of the USA!  Or not!  FDR is the one with socialist ideas of Social Security!  Guess what people!  They had no intentions of it lasting and hoped you died before getting, what was STOLEN from your checks!   Giving what is yours now to illegals?  No it's not ok!  Government got way too big.  Founding Fathers knew this was going to happen.  It never was about party!  Try power and control!  The hell with the American people!  

Now we are finding who the good folks are!  It's time you do too!  Now I don't agree with RFK Jr. or many others but the policies make more sense to me than what the real insurrectionists want!  

This is very clear to me and so happy that Elon saw that too!  In fact he was at the border!  He had to move his company to Texas from California!  Did you also know that he lost his son to the trans gender crap!  Yeah he died!  It took this to wake him up!  Now!  Will you?
I'm guessing they will be trying a black out soon.  Too much at stake.  I pray it won't last long and that everyone will be safe and ready for it.  Remember what cornered rats are like.  They will gnash at you till the very end.  Letting exist is not the answer, because America, is not meant to be a 3rd world country, like the corrupt elites want!  I thank God that we have someone with clout to fight them!

I'm pretty sure, I know why both Kennedy's were assassinated.  RFK Jr.  knows too!  HELL MY GRANDMOTHER FROM THE OLD COUNTRY KNEW IT!  She saw communism first hand!  She basically turned to me, "when I stated, Johnson is bad!  I don't like him!  When I was a child!"  She said, it didn't matter who was president!  

68 years of my life later, I'm seeing the bigger picture!  Especially after Reagan!  

Most people know that people like this don't care because they are rich and have more than the average joe...  They feel like they aren't affected!  Guess what Whoopi!  We all are going to be slaves!  They may even rob what you have!  Think not?  Go ask the people in Aurora Colorado that were living in those apartments, when they were taken over by armed illegal gangs!  BTW I did leave a 👍

Yup!  BTW if you want to read the entire piece you have to go to X and look up USMC Lady Vet and Bull Moose American.

I will say it again.  Glad some folks woke up!  I hope it's not too late.  But what ever happens, I trust in our savior and I know that evil hasn't got a chance!  Start praying!

Friday, September 06, 2024

President Donald J. Trump Is Innocent!

 I saw the hags of D SEAZE Washington with their signs 👎🖕To them😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 CRY MORE!

Meanwhile, look what I got today!  Signed!

Enjoy The Rally!

FULL SPEECH: Pres. Donald Trump Holds a Press Conference at Trump Tower ...

Georgia school shooting suspect Colt Gray first court appearance: Watch ...

I believe in the death penalty!  I don't care he is only 14!  He took other innocent lives!  They weren't the ones attacking him!  They were at school!  That school teacher "coach" was a loving father with children of his own.  

Gun grabbing commies GO FUCK YOURSELF!  The problem is, law and order has gone out the window with your commie Marxist leaders!  It's time to bring law and order back!  

This kids father should be in prison too!  He failed as a parent!  My brothers and myself had guns since the age of 8!  They were loaded and ready to go!  We were taught proper gun handling!  If we got angry about something it was discussed and resolved.  We also were brought up with God in our house!  This is another part of a good upbringing!  Yes I do cus, It's the only language that dumbasses out there know!  I want you to know I'm pissed off for a reason!  

I know not to take another life only if I'm in danger! 

GP has been around as long as this blog....The article is at "LINK"  Thank you to GP

Wednesday, September 04, 2024

This Week In Jihad with David Wood and Robert Spencer

Truth Conquers

Hope you're right JP!  However, there are some out there still stuck on false media handouts...  Heaven knows I try!  They're still out there lost, or they think we are still wrong.  I guess we will just have someone to blame when living will be under dictatorship and communist rules.  Some of us in the gulag!  

Can't believe I was censored right here in the USA!  Just because, I refused the jab or to mask.  I knew COVID was going to be used, for a form of control!  That is exactly what this administration is wanting to do!  They will be just fine though because they are the elite!

When there is a shooting guess what...  They don't care about the ones shot or killed!  "BTW they had a warning before it happened!"  These people that want your rights, are for abortion, murdering babies!  They don't give a hoot about life!  It's about total control over you!  These people look to further their narrative!  They don't want your right to protect yourself!  They want your guns!  That is how totalitarianism is done!  

They fear, "We The People."  Remember the second amendment is for defending against enemies, foreign or domestic!  They are going against our Constitution of the USA, which means, they are committing treason!  Who else jailed their political opponent... Anyone, anyone...  

I know the dummying down started in the 60's, with commie hippy flowers and drugs!  I was raised the right way and told, what was being done to young people.  Even back then!  

Tuesday, September 03, 2024

It's Fall! I Am Still Wearing White!

 Here in Florida, wearing white is ok after Labor Day!  

What's growing in my yard?....

Sunday, September 01, 2024

Afghanistan Gold Star Family Reveals Dark Reason Joe & Kamala Skipped Ma...

Sad, because, I know someone that had a father in WW2.  He was stationed in Hawaii!  Yet, that person thinks Harris is just wonderful and so is Walz.  I would be ashamed of them!  That person I used to know, has no clue that the democrat party, is not the same party and neither is the Republican party.  

I have my vote going for President Donald J. Trump for the 3rd time, since 2020 was stollen!  I'm happy RFK Jr. is supporting him and wow Tulsi Gabbard!  Another democrat!  The smart ones are abandoning ship!  

I was told, when I was young, that this country will have to continue to fight against socialism, communism and Marxists.  Didn't think I would be seeing it happening in my time, so quickly!  

You know that dictators always had their opponents arrested on bogus charges.  The sheeple are so brainwashed.  They didn't pay attention to history it seems.  I did though!  First thing they want to do is pit the people against each each other, control the food source, disarm the people...  I may have this order messed up.  I still know the art of war.   People are starting to find out!  The commies didn't count on us, to be the news.  They tried to block us, and still are trying!  I was up till after 3 am!  Seeing the sneaky, leftist news posts.  They are there too, trying like mad to divert, all that was researched!  

I'm a perfect proof and witness, to being censored!  I was blocked shadow banned you name it!  Elon got me back on though without asking.  I was told, I was blocked for life!  People told me at TRUTH social to go try again...  Wow, and a sorry this happened to you on X.  At first I was angry, then I realized.  There are good people starting to take over!  You know, Elon, is from South Africa.  He loves the USA!  Sorry, he had to move his company, from Commie California.  He had to though.  They would have disrupted his company.  

Elon stated last night, on X, that there is a good indication that some of the employees at X, are still there working from Brazil?  Their dictator wants to shut X down.  He can only do it to his people though.  I feel for them, but they had the nerve to say they would imprison and arrest us, for free speech?  I thought of the good witch, in the Wizard of Oz.  Oh be gone you have no power here!  

It's getting stranger by the day!  Communist regimes do that!  My uncles that served and  brother that have passed are rolling in their graves, with these poor Gold Star family members soldiers, that were killed!  Killed, because of  incompetence, right from this administration!  Still we have dummies out there that don't see it with Harris signs, in their yard!  At least not here in our area!  

Yes, Trump is on every flag pole with the American flag above it!  I really did my research on the areas, in all of Florida.  My husband did too!  It was a riot how we said to each other, "You have to see this place!"  It was the same house, I had found!  I still can't get over that!  God is great!

We are keeping the Gold Star Families in our prayers.  Sorry the country let them all down!  We are still fighting a war.  A war of good verses evil!  I have faith in God.