Tuesday, October 01, 2024

The Gulf Of Mexico

 While donating praying and seeing everyone is accounted for...  President Donald J.Trump went to the areas affected!  He brought with him, supplies.  What did they "the ones supposed to be in charge working for the people do?"

"When Biden was asked about going or Kamala, the answer was "they didn't ask."  The photo shoot of Kamala on the border was a joke!  This will be too, she doesn't care about the people suffering from the storm!  Sure she will go now that President Donald J. Trump made his appearance now.  Too late for that Kamala!  You can't talk and you don't care!

Ok if you still are on the stupid train you are no longer human! 

Love What Cat had to say this morning!

Unbelievable but believable!  Yet, there are people still voting for Kamala and Tim...  Crazy!  But tonight JD will be showing more intelligence than Tampon Timmy.  There are people still watching the paid off fake news stories, that will mangle truth once again.  I just hope JD brings up the fact no one was allowed even to be on their porch during COVID!  The video is out there I have seen it!  Marching through the streets shooting people with paint balls!  They could have put someone's eye out!  It reminded me of the tales of Hitler and Stalin, or a 3rd world shit hole!  Well that is what Walz did to Minnesota!

What they did to President Donald J.Trump, should have been bells and whistles going off in one's head.  That there is definitely corruption in our government, to do what they did to President Donald J. Trump!  But no, sadly people are still stupid!  

I can't help but to remind myself, liberal people, that I worked with back when, had mental illness, running in their family.  I could see it.  Some appeared smart, but really stupid!  I'm not a scholar, but, I have this other gift.  Maybe, having God in my life has a lot to do with it.  

I was praying feverishly during that storm for others and not for us.  I felt we would be ok and we were.  In the Bible it said to build your house on a rock.  We must be on something more than sand.  We are up in elevation.  I'll tell that story once again!

"My husband and I just sold our house in Kirkland WA.  I was looking and doing research like crazy, on where to live in Florida.  We decided that Arizona was too much of a desert and Texas well no for other reasons $$$ for land.   I looked at houses with odd color schemes and ugly rugs.  I actually feel carpets are filthy, we would have to have them ripped out!  Then houses too close together like cracker boxes...  Nope!  I was past the delusion of grander of being on the beach.  I found the perfect house!  One zone up from an 8 for planting!  Zone 9 up north!  Ten miles from the Gulf and up in elevation, with land!  Drainage fields too!  It has a pool and a huge building for garden supplies, boat, ...that was made of steel!   The house, NO CARPETS OR WILD COLORS!  I said to my husband "I found it!"  He said first look at this one I found!  God is great!  It was this house!  I put him on a plane and got him to put a down payment on it, flew back and we only waited two days for the signing when we got here.  Everything went like clockwork!  Our stuff showed up the next day!"

We have been here for three years now.  Loving every minute!  We actually had our huge glass doors slid open for an open air feel that evening of the storm.  Finishing our wine after dinner and listening to the wind whipping around with the rain.  We were sheltered.  However many were not.  

My brother now lives near by from Colorado.  It's their first year.  He has a boat now.  From being a pilot for United, having a plane of his own, to now owning a boat.  I thought oh nice a little fishing boat....  This thing is a yacht!  But just small enough to take out of the water and store it on his property.  They got lucky too!  

Here is a picture of a place we like to eat at.  It looks like it made it ok.  People were in it and I saw all the outdoor table and chairs were stored in the restaurant.  They seemed to be stocking the bar area again.  Gotta have that bar area done first, you know!  The dock was still there!  This was in the morning hours.

The rest was beautiful!

The wild side of Florida!

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