Tuesday, July 27, 2021

A Summertime Enjoyment


As we sit outside enjoying the summer night of twilight last night, my husband turns to me and says: "Odd, how quiet it is out tonight."  With hummingbirds taking in the last gulps of nectar before turning to slumber.  I calmly turned and said:  "The TV won, yet again!" 

It is so amazing, how people miss the beauty of God's creation.  They rather see, satanic lies from the marxist commie TV.  Satan, is truly at it again!  Turning the people, without their own resources of truth, logic and common sense.  Going against, others that are actually doing research, research on all things and second guessing evil.  Yet, you hear of no debate!  Soon as it is mentioned, you are silenced.  This is another reason, people need to turn off the TV.  Don't give them any ground.  

I know in my heart, that God has got this.  I am guided.  I am guided to the people in the knowledge department.  Not someone spewing trash, that will enrage.  People with like minds of truth logic and common sense, are being brought together.  I can feel it.  

Obviously the qualities of the current administration, are not for freedom, nor do they care about the American people.  I, found in those that's pushing for control.  The ones pushing for control are the same thugs, that destroyed the wealth of Venezuela!  Yes, Venezuelan people, are controlled by dictators.  Just like in the past of Hitler, Stalin, Mao, to name a few.  Look dictators up.  Look what China is doing to their people.  You want that, here in the USA?  Then may I suggest you leave the USA!  We the People, are done with you!

The good are being guided while the godless, weak minded, are being polluted.  This is how we will defeat evil.  There are more of us!  That is why they panic and tamper with votes!  This is why they block truth, logic and common sense.  This is why our first amendment rights and the second are under attack.  They can't continue without crushing our rights, our God given rights!  Our freedom!  It's up to all of us, to rebuke these satanic criminals!  Time to bring them all to their knees!  I know it is hard Lord, but I will try to pray for them, as I continue to pursue my freedoms, given by you and you alone, dear Lord.

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