Tuesday, October 23, 2012

King 5 Left loons Side with 4 years again with the loser

They all have devils tails and they were a wagging!  Have they not paid attension to the last four years of nothing but more lost jobs.  Not to mention what happened to our terrorist murdered Americans in Benghazi!  Obama is a liar and let me say the king 5 people don’t get it too stupid just like all the others supporting that thug in office!  IMHO Romney did win hands down and was a better man for the job!

Obuttass does not care about you and you are an idiot if you think he will do any better in office another four years.  Romney was wrong to congratulate obuttass for the killing obama binlauden.  It was our Seals that did the foot work! 

Romney leads with 4 points so far!  Obama is all over the map nice job Strong and well informed was Mitt!   

Romney called the savages what they were!  He knows the enemy well!

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