Saturday, October 20, 2012

Dinesh Knows Our American Dream

I got this idiotic email today on someone that is misinformed.  Nothing new because as we go into this election more of the same will be going around.  I am doing my part to expose them!  Why?  Because I do care about America and these kinds of lies will be brought to the forefront to be exposed!  Now seeing this clip it only took me two seconds... how long will it take you!?
Oh yes It came in it's glory large "blue" letters:

A MUST WATCH  <-yep so click and enjoy & come back to disagree with me...
Yes and the government needs to make cuts like all businesses do!  After all our company had to and now we are back on track!  Another point is there are many people on the dole (in the wagon) and not enough working (to pull the wagon).  Seems people are getting better care better everything when not having to work or put into a failed system only because it gives to those that didn’t put into it in the first place!  So you have some folks getting into the wagon instead of pulling it. 
Ok so it only took me a couple of seconds into the film…  This is how fast I saw the lie.  And now I find Dinesh the producer of 2016 and a person I really respect “except for his recent sex scandal  That is bad.  However you know the left forgave Bill Clinton or shall we say they were saying so!?  Oh and then we have the Hollywood airheads with all their sleeping around telling us that socialism is fine! 
So big deal that Sophia Loren married a divorce however when they were engaged he was still married.  Look it up!  I personally don't care about someone's sex life!  I do care about the facts that are there for all to see.  You just have to pick out all the lies.  They are there to see.  Look deeper.  I care about our Country & I certainly don’t care to see it go like Greece, Spain socialist Cuba…
Yes and the government needs to make cuts like all businesses do!  After all my company had to and now we are back on track!  (no bail outs either) 
Another point is there are many people on the dole are  getting all kinds of perks... "Giving out obama phones on your tax dollar? hmmm".
I will go with this video and This Video  Instead
I believe in the American Dream not socialistic obama’s nightmare!God Bless America land of the Free and The Brave!GO MITT!

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